Dear Colleague,

We would like to remind you of the deadline for submission of
*abstracts for oral presentations* at the ADD2019 Conference:

/*Sunday 27 January 2019*/

After this deadline, only abstracts for poster presentations may be

A selection of 16 abtracts will be accepted for oral presentation,
and then scheduled as part of the ADD2019 Conference programme:

Before submitting an abstract, you should register for ADD2019
by clicking on the "Registration" tab in the left menu, and then
logging in with your credentials (creating a new account if needed).

Note that if you are not yet certain of your exact travel dates,
you can still register with approximate dates and then modify
your registration later by logging back into our web site.

To submit an abstract, please click on the "Call for Abstracts" tab
in the left menu of our webpages (see email below for more information).

Note that if you have been invited by the ADD2019 organisers
as an Invited Speaker for either the School or the Conference part,
we still need you to submit an abstract before 27 January 2019,
so that we can include your abstract in the Abstract Booklet.

Thank you for your attention,

The organizers:
   Michela Brunelli (DUBBLE/ESRF)
   Gabriel Cuello (ILL)
   Henry Fischer (ILL)
   Gavin Vaughan (ESRF)

P.S. we apologize if you receive this email message more than once.

On 28/11/2018 14:27, ADD2019 wrote:

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to make a Call for Abstracts for ADD2019, the 4th edition
of the School & Conference on Analysis of Diffraction Data in real-space:

co-organized by the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and the European
Synchrotron (ESRF), and taking place:

                   17 to 22 March 2019

at the European Photon and Neutron (EPN) campus in Grenoble, France.

Starting from the above homepage for ADD2019, you can click on the
Registration tab at left to login with your credentials (creating
an account if necessary) and then register for the School part,
the Conference part, or for both.

This Call for Abstracts is for those attending the Conference part,
since the School part consists of only invited presentations.

Once you have registered for the Conference part (or for Both) via
the ADD2019 webpages, you can then use the Call for Abstracts tab
(again in the left menu of the homepage) in order to access a link
for downloading the *.docx Word template for abstracts.

Please fill out the template carefully with the content of your
abstract (only one Word file per abstract), and then open again
the Call for Abstracts tab and click on the "Submit new abstract"
button at the bottom of the window, which will then allow you
to upload your *.docx Word file(s) and to enter other information
(please follow the abstract submission instructions in the window).

Please do NOT upload an extracted *.pdf file of your abstract(s),
since we need the Word file(s) in order to produce the Abstract Book
that you will receive upon arrival at ADD2019.

Be sure to specify, by clicking on the appropriate contribution type
before submitting your abstract, whether you prefer an Oral or Poster
presentation.  Do not click on "Invited" unless you have already
received from us an email inviting you to give an Invited Talk
during the School and/or Conference, in which case we request
that you please upload soon the abstract(s) of your presentation
in the same way as described above.

The deadline for abstract submission is Sunday 27 January 2019,
and you should receive notice of our acceptance decision by Friday
1 February 2019.  If we cannot accept your abstract for an Oral
presentation, then by default we will accept it for a Poster.
Note that poster abstracts (only) may still be submitted until
Sunday 24 February 2019, which also corresponds to the deadline
for registration and payment.

Looking forward to seeing you in Grenoble,

The organizers:
   Michela Brunelli (DUBBLE/ESRF)
   Gabriel Cuello (ILL)
   Henry Fischer (ILL)
   Gavin Vaughan (ESRF)

P.S. we apologize if you receive this email message more than once.

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