Hi François

You need to use codewords and equations.

In the sites section of the structure, give the occupancy of one element a
name (eg al_occ), and then for the other atom on the same site, give it an
equation in the codes tab (eg =1-al_occ;)

You would then put min/max limits on the first atom of 0/1, and all should

I'll send you a screen shot off-list, lest I get in trouble for sending

Matthew Rowles

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 18:04, François Goutenoire <
francois.gouteno...@univ-lemans.fr> wrote:

> Dear Rietveld users,
> One more question ! I am unable to find the way to constraint occupancy
> factor for mixed sites in Topas in GUI mode.
> Sorry for this basic question, but I did not find any examples in
> Archives Mailing List / Topas Wiki / or even in the Topas examples
> Best whishes, François
> --
> *********************************************************************************************
> Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE
> e-mail: francois.gouteno...@univ-lemans.fr
> Tel:
> FAX:
> Skype Entreprise visio conférence
> Département des Oxydes et Fluorures
> Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans
> IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283
> Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen
> F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9
> *********************************************************************************************
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> Formation SAXS et Réflectivités pour couches minces et matériaux
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