You are invited to the 77th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference which will 
be hosted onsite at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA

Start Date:         24th Oct 2019
End Date:          26th Oct 2019


The conference will take place over three days and feature sessions focused on 
all areas of diffraction, from powders to protein crystals. Topics will include 
emerging technologies/techniques, Total scattering, Magnetic scattering, small 
molecules and Integrative Structural Biology. The Chung Soo Yoo Award, 
established by the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society to honor Dr. Yoo's memory, 
and a $400 cash prize will be given to the graduate student having the best 
poster presentation at the conference. Registration for the conference is only 
$100 and abstract submission for talks and posters is now open.

Contact:  Leighton Coates

Thomas Proffen / Director Science Initiative for High Performance Computing, 
Modeling, and Data Analytics  and Powder Diffraction Team Lead / Neutron 
Scattering Division / Neutron Sciences Directorate / Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory / PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6473 /  Tel: +1-865-576-8633

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