You are invited to participate in the 6th X-Ray Diffraction Workshop that
will be held as part of ICCOSS XXIV <> at New
York University. The workshop is scheduled in the afternoon of June 21st at
the Department of Chemistry, New York University. The workshop will focus
on advanced techniques of powder diffraction, including 2D diffraction,
PDF-4 database search, and structure solution and refinement using TOPAS.
If you want to improve your knowledge of powder diffraction, you are
encouraged to register using the following link:

The number of attendees in the workshop is limited to 40 participants
(first come, first served). Registration is free for all ICCOSS attendees
and NYU Chemistry personnel. For others, the fee is $200. Registration will
remain open until June 7th or until the available slots are filled.

In addition, you are welcome to bring your scientific problems for
roundtable one-to-one consultations. The complete workshop schedule can be
found at


Tony Hu
on the behalf of Organizing Committee
Chunhua Tony Hu, Ph.D.
New York University, Department of Chemistry
357A Brown Building, 29 Washington Place
Phone: 212-998-8769 (office)
Email: <>
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