
the term "raw data" has become kind of fuzzy in recent times. Most powder diffractometers nowadays are equipped with some kind of linear or area detector. The 1D powder pattern in this case is always the result of some integration, merging, and binning.

I would take "raw" to mean that major corrections like absorption or Lorentz-Polarisation should not be applied beforehand. In particular, removing the background was done in old times quite a lot, making it hard to judge the real quality of the data.

Daniel Többens

Am 26.09.2019 um 05:40 schrieb iangie:
Dear Rietvelder,

I hope you are doing well.
It is generally acknolwdged that Rietveld refinement should be performed on raw data, without any data processing. One of our diffractometer/PSD  scans data at its minimal step size (users can see that the step size during scan is much smaller than what was set), and upon finishing, the measurement software re-bin the counts to the step size what users set (so the data also looks smoother, after re-bin). My I ask is this re-bined data from the measurement software considered as "raw data" or "treated data"? And can we apply Rietveld refinement on this data?

Any comments are welcome. :)

*Dr. Xiaodong (Tony) Wang*
*Research Infrastructure Specialist (XRD)*
Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF)   |   Institute for Future Environments
Queensland University of Technology

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