Dear colleagues,
we announce\remind the open Abstract Submission and Registration for
„noon-to-noon“ Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“ planned for March,
14-15, 2024 in Garching b. München (Germany).
Confirmed speakers
•    Dr. Philip Chater (I15-1, DIAMOND) "A high-throughput sample
mounting, mail-in and metadata system for pair distribution function
•    Dr. Zoltan Hegedues (P21.2, DESY) “Automated data processing and
feedback pipeline at Swedish Materials Science beamline”
•    Dr. Bernd Hinrichsen (BASF) "Synchrotron Powder Diffraction in High
•    Dr. Christina Hofmann (TOPAS, SNS) “Automation for kinetic studies“
•    Dr. Michael Hofmann (STRESS-SPEC, FRMII) "High-Precision Visual
Servoing for the Neutron Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM II"
•    Dr. Helena Taberman (P11, DESY) "Automation at Macromolecular
Crystallography - The High-Throughput Beamline P11 at PETRA III"
•    Dr. Michael Wharmby (Bruker) "Reliability and High-Throughput:
Applying Automation to Mass Produced as well as Tailormade Diffractometers"
Abstract submission deadline January, 15, 2024. Detailed information as
well as forms for registration and abstract submission are accessible at
Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement,
feel free to send this announcement to relevant colleagues ...
Looking forward to see you in Garching mid-March 2024.
Best regards,
Alexander Schökel and Anatoliy Senyshyn
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