Dear Jon,
thanks a lot for the AI autonomous labs links, very interesting (but not much surprising?).

Definitely, a lot of (educational) work must be done on methods, even for well introduced and widely used ones. For QPA full profile fitting by any Rietveld software, there are many outcomes from the IUCr Round robins and, more recently, for of the CMS Reynolds Cup,
Raven & Self stated:
"The Rietveld method is the most popular technique of choice among participants, which is also reflected in the number of successful participants who gained the top three places and indeed the ultimate winners. The competition has also shown that participants using the same software can produce some extraordinarily bad results when used incorrectly or inappropriately. This is certainly the case for participants who used the Rietveld method with an
overly large proportion of the worst performers using this technique."
Regarding the "automated mineralogy" community, I don't think their crisis is related purely to blind trusting in AI based methods. There must be also a general lack in education about the basics of analytics and chemometry.


Zitat von Jonathan WRIGHT <>:

On 17/01/2024 09:40, Reinhard Kleeberg wrote:
"Automated mineralogy"

Dear Colleagues,

It sounds like there crisis for this community? I didn't see anyone mention the AI story that was also in the news:

Perhaps there is still a lot of interesting work to be done on methods?

With best regards,


TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Dr. R. Kleeberg
Mineralogisches Labor
Brennhausgasse 14
D-09596 Freiberg

Tel. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3244
Fax. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3129

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