
I am trying to follow along with the Authentication tutorial in the
userguide, but it is not at all clear.

here are the steps I have taken:

1// I have created an element ided as LOGIN in my main.xml site file as:

       <element id="LOGIN"
               <property name="role">user</property>
               <property name="datasource"><config param="datasource"
               <property name="password_encryption">SHA</property>
               <property name="template_name">login.Login</property>
               <property name="authvar_type">cookie</property>

               <submission name="authenticate">
                       <param name="username" />
                       <param name="password" />
                       <param name="remember" />

               <incookie name="rememberid"/>
               <outcookie name="rememberid"/>

               <childtrigger name="authid"/>

2// As you can see from the template_name param, I have a template
called Login under the login folder which has the necessary text input
controls for username/password... wich will be implemented in the
foo.Login class

3// I have created the Login class which extends DatabaseAuthenticated

4// Up till now, all my template implementations follow the format set
forth in the simple blog tutorial... that is, i implemente
initialize(), processElement(), and various doXXX methods; the
authentication tutorial seems to point to a childTriggered() method,
and I am wondering how this fits in.

I'm I on the right path? any pointers?

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