Hi Raoul,

could you file a Jira issue for this and attach your patch. Like this it will not get lost or forgotten.



On 1-dec-05, at 13:56, Raoul Pierre wrote:


IMO, i18n is needed at the element level, not only at the template level.

ATM only Crud Elements (others?) have access to a specific resource bundle, two in fact with:
- l10n/admin files common to all the crud elements
- l10n/admin-name_of_the_element_class files

Proposition (see patches below, tested with java 1.5):
1/ make available parameters "detect_client_locale" and "resourcesbundle_basename" in any element configuration file, i.e.

<element extends="authentication/memory.xml"
implementation="com.uwyn.ecalendar.authentication.elements.LocaleAuthe nticated" > <property name="resourcebundle_basename">l10n/authentication/ localization</property>
   <property name="detect_client_locale">true</property>

2/ add getResourceName and getClientLocales functions to ElementSupport (or in ElementContext? ElementInfo?):

3/ add a function getResourceBundles(List<String> basenames, List<Locale> locales) to Localization

4/ give to TemplateFactory the list of client locales, via ElementContext

5/ add to ElementSupport (or in ElementContext? ElementInfo?) the support of resource bundle final list:
- add a mResourceBundleList variable
- add functions to deal with ResourceBundles

7/ update CrudElement


Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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