i am almost using rife almost on a daily basis now, so I also started
looking at adding support for it in eclipse (which is my primary ide).
i dabbled in an eclipse plugin in the past, but i have to relearn most
parts of the platform to do anything signifact; what i've been doing
is looking at the code for the ant plugin, to give me some direction.

Raoul, Geert, if you guys are serious about this one, i'll be willing
to put sometime in; developing an eclipse plugin for rife sure sounds
like a lot of fun.

-- eokyere

On 12/2/05, Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We don't have this, but I plan on doing a lot more Spring integration
> >> after the next release. I suppose this is part of their AOP support.
> >> The closest that we currently have is something similar as Spring's
> >> transactional template methods: http://rifers.org/wiki/display/RIFE/
> >> Chainable+transactions
> >
> > Whatever you do, please leave RIFE as a monolithic framework and do
> > not
> > start branching all over the place. RIFE has convinced me by its
> > simplicity -- one JAR, one declaration in web.xml and that is it.
> Yes, these would be optional integrations for people that do already
> use Spring and would like to use RIFE alongside their current
> codebase. RIFE will always be one jar.
> >> Actually I was less talking about the syntax, but more about a
> >> centralized point of declaration. If your entire data and logic
> >> flow  is
> >> specified in a site-structure, you almost instantly have an
> >> overview of
> >> how your application behaves and which components are  accessible.
> >> Without this centralized declaration you have to search  through your
> >> entire code code-base to find where your area of  interest is
> >> located.
> >
> > Geert, I am not trying to be negative, but when I first looked at
> > RIFE,
> > it reminded me of FuseActions (ColdFusion anyone?). Except that
> > FuseActions was a pattern more than anything else. Still it has worked
> > for ages and still works.
> I consider that a good thing :-)
> Any familiarity makes it easier for people to adopt RIFE.
> >> Coool! I'm actively looking into making X-develop more
> >> intelligent  for
> >> RIFE and provide code hyper-linking in between files. I just  spent 2
> >> weeks with Eclipse exclusively to try it out thoroughly and I
> >> switched
> >> back to X-develop today.
> >
> > I tried X-Develop, but did not like it. But then, I don't like Eclipse
> > or IDEA either. I think the choice of IDE is very personal and
> > there is
> > no real good/bad.
> +1
> --
> Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
> "Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
> http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
> gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03
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