Here are my comments and clarifications:

1.  I hope there is no configuration but I was thinking that we might need to allow for changing mabye the Jetty port, to be able to change if something is already listening on the Jetty port.

2.  That is what I was thinking.  A RIFE Project that extends Java Project or something like that.

3.  There is a lot that goes into creating a Server Type that really isn't necessary thanks to how RIFE works.  No need to have WTP handle redeploying the changed sources when changed in Eclipse.

4.  WTP handles deployment of new source changes to the Server Type by creating an archive specified by the project type.  For example, creating an ear or a war to deploy the changes to the server.  Well...this isn't necessary with RIFE.

Those are my clarifications.  Hopefully this makes sense.

Take care,


On 1/24/06, JR Boyens < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 12:02 -0700, Jeremy Whitlock wrote:
> Hey all,
>      I have been thinking of how to do the rife-jumpstart plugin and I
> have a few details we need to iron out:
> 1.  What configuration, if any, should the user have to do to get the
> Rife jumpstart working?

        As little as possible, at the moment, nothing whatsoever is needed.

> 2.  How should we handle associating a project with Rife?

        Project type I would suppose. This flows into question 3.

> 3.  Should we try to use WTP's Server Types?  (Create a Rife/Jetty
> type)
>     a.  I have some worries about doing this because of the required
> overhead on the Eclipse side that isn't necessary for Rife.

        What kind of overhead?

>     b.  I also have worries about what artifact types we should allow
> for WTP deployment if we went this approach like deployments

        Artifact types? Historical pieces left by ancestors?

> 4.  If not using WTP's Server Types, how do we handle one Rife/Jetty
> instance for all Rife-aware projects?

One Rife/Jetty instance gets hairy. Usually it's best to have one per

> These are my preliminary questions/concerns that we need to discuss.
> These were all prompted by my research into duplicating the Tomcat or
> WebSphere Server Types to create our custom Server Type.  I'll
> continue to research and as soon as we get some feedback, we'll move.
> Take care,
> Jeremy
> On 1/23/06, Jeremy Whitlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>         Hey all,
>              The Eclipse plugin development for Rife has began.  Over
>         the last 2 weeks, there has been a lot of conversation on IRC
>         regarding the plans for the Eclipse support for Rife.  Now
>         that we have initial plans, I have gone ahead and created the
>         most basic Eclipse plugin source bases and checked them into
>         Subversion so we could begin working on the plugins.  I have
>         also create an initial Wiki space for Eclipse.  Here we will
>         build upon this page to include developer and user information
>         for the Eclipse Rife support.  Here are the important URLs:
>         Wiki: http://rifers.org/wiki/display/RIFE/Eclipse
>         Subversion: https://svn.rifers.org/rife-eclipse/trunk/
>         Now...we need to begin working on outlining and documenting
>         the plugin-specific features and approaches.  If you are
>         interested in getting involved with this initiative, please
>         email the mailing list and we will act accordingly.
>         Take care,
>         Jeremy
>         P.S. - To keep in you all up to date, the Wiki and mailing
>         list will be constantly updated with progress, questions and
>         concerns.
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> Rife-users@uwyn.com
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