I'd stay away from the "regular" syntax and vote for either the
Tapestry/Wicket inspired syntax or that of the Invisible Tag
Attribute; I think those should be clear enough and easy for people
already familiar with xhtml to get used to quicly; I think the
"regular" syntax can cause a little confusion... for instance isn't a
<b> tag a 'bold' in html (sort of similar to <strong>)?

Personally, i'll continue to use the syntax we've been using; it's
simple and stands out when i'm going over my code.


On 2/18/06, Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems that a lot of people that look at RIFE cringe when seeing
> the template tag syntax and don't delve deeper because of that. I
> thus think it's important to solve this and make the negativity go
> away, even if they might like the syntax later on. I thus worked out
> a bunch of alternatives that we could add. I'd love to get your input
> on these. Ideally I'd just implement them all, but I worry about
> parsing performance.
> Anyway, here they are:
> Regular invisible RIFE tag syntax
> Regular compact RIFE tag syntax
> Processing instruction variant
> Regular tags syntax
> Velocity inspired syntax
> FreeMarker inspired syntax
> Tapestry/Wicket inspired syntax
> Invisible tag attribute suggestion
> <!--V 'content'/-->
> [!V 'content'/]
> <?V content/?>
> <v name="content"/>
> ${content}
> <#V content/>
> <span rife:v="content"/>
> <div id="someid1" rife:v="class"></div>
> <!--V 'content'-->my default content<!--/V-->
> [!V 'content']my default content[!/V]
> <?V content?>my default content<?/V?>
> <V name="content">my default content</v>
> $V{content}my default content$/V
> <#V content>my default content</#V>
> <span rife:v="content">my default content</span>
> <div id="someid2" rife:v="class"></div>
> <!--B 'content'-->some content block<!--/B-->
> [!B 'content']some content block[!/B]
> <?B content?>some content block<?/B?>
> <b name="content">some content block</b>
> #B(content)some content block#/B
> <#B content>some content block</#B>
> <span rife:b="content">some content block</span>
> <div id="someid3" rife:b="content//some content block"></div>
> <!--B 'OGNL:content:[[ true ]]'-->some content block<!--/B-->
> [!B 'OGNL:content:[[ true ]]']some content block[!/B]
> <?B OGNL:content:[[ true ]]?>some content block<?/B?>
> <b name="OGNL:content:[[ true ]]">some content block</b>
> #B(OGNL:content:[[ true ]])some content block#/B
> <#B OGNL:content:[[ true ]]>some content block</#B>
> <span rife:b="OGNL:content:[[ true ]]">some content block</span>
> <div id="someid4" rife:b="OGNL:class:[[ true ]]//warningclass"></div>
> <!--BV 'content'-->some blockvalue<!--/BV-->
> [!BV 'content']some blockvalue[!/BV]
> <?BV content?>some blockvalue<?/BV?>
> <bv name="content">some blockvalue</bv>
> #BV(content)some blockvalue#/BV
> <#BV content>some blockvalue</#BV>
> <span rife:bv="content">some blockvalue</span>
> <div id="someid5" rife:bv="content//some blockvalue"></div>
> <!--I 'common.error_messages'/-->
> [!I 'common.error_messages'/]
> <?I common.error_messages/?>
> <i name="common.error_messages"/>
> #I(common.error_messages/)
> <#I common.error_messages/>
> <span rife:i="content"/>
> --
> Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
> "Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
> http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
> gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03
> PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
> Public PGP key  : available at servers pgp.mit.edu, wwwkeys.pgp.net
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