nice; I wasn't aware you had already implemented this. Have to take a
look later today.

nice one,

On 3/1/06, Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eddy,
> > Am I correct in thinking that the new MetaData class is useful only
> > if applied to JavaBean-compliant classes?
> Actually, no.
> I still have to write the docs about this. If you have a class Foo
> and another class FooMetaData that implements the MetaDataMerged
> interface, RIFE's classloader will automatically make Foo implement
> all the interfaces of FooMetaData, create a private member variable
> of FooMetaData for every Foo instance and implement the new interface
> methods as delegates to the member variable.
> It can thus be used for any kind of meta information that you want to
> merge in.
> The MetaData class in itself however is intended to make it easy for
> you to do this for constraints, however, you can still implement any
> other interface.
> Best regards,
> Geert
> --
> Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
> "Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
>               7170 Manage, Belgium
> gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03
> PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
> Public PGP key  : available at servers,
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