
I understood that, I'm more looking for a real-world use case that warrants this feature. I can see why it might be theoretically interesting, but doubt that it warrants the API complexity increase in practice.

I propose a compromise: I remove "withDefault" and keep a "withTopPriority"

Lol, I'm not looking for a compromise but for a detailed real world example of why this is needed, and why it needs to be there in the API. If you can convince me it's important, they can both just stay ;-)

Is it really only an issue about boolean parameter? If so what about two methods, something like addTopPriorityResourceBundle and addBottomPriorityResourceBundle?

But then it's just an other type of complexity. So to avoid to get 6 methods to add resource bundle, it's possible to remove:
- addResourceBundles(String[] baseNames);
- addResourceBundle(ResourceBundle bundle);

and just keep addTop/BottomPriorityResourceBundles(List<ResourceBundle> bundles).

Then it transfers the complexity from inside the API to the caller... (at least there is Localization.getResourceBundles to transform string array in bundle list)

So, do we really need to control the order of priority from outside a Translator? Imho, yes. At least as soon as we don't want to do any assumption about when each resourcebundle will be added to the list.



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