Hi Emmanuel,

are you sure you declared a submission bean in the "commit" submission in your element declaration? What does your element declaration look like?

Thanks a lot for taking a stab at Petstore!

Best regards,


On 12 Apr 2006, at 08:11, Emmanuel Okyere wrote:

hello all,

I have finally found some free time, as the last app I worked on is
getting ready to get out of the shop, and so I have started stabbing
at getting rife to talk petshop. i'm however having problems with rife
printing a simple form; it does retrieve the template and prints it
out, except it filters out all the rife specifics. Could anybody say
if i'm missing something obvious?

Geert Bevin             Uwyn bvba               GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Use what you need"     Avenue de Scailmont 34  Skype: gbevin
http://www.uwyn.com     7170 Manage, Belgium      AIM: geertbevin
gbevin at uwyn dot com  Tel: +32 64 84 80 03   Mobile: +32 477 302 599

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