Hi Allen,

This is the problem? Ok, I'll download one.

I'm pretty sure that's the reason, since the JRE hasn't got the compiler included.

Thanks! BTW, what does RIFE mean? Is it just the english word or standards for something.

Naaa, just the English word. Though when you mangle the letters you get FIRE and that sounds nice too, and refers to the logo ;-)
Tyler's fiancé found this 'meaning' a few days ago though:
R is for radical, I is for innovative, F is for functional, E is for everyone needs RIFE

It has a nice ring to it :-)

Best regards,


Geert Bevin             Uwyn bvba               GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Use what you need"     Avenue de Scailmont 34  Skype: gbevin
http://www.uwyn.com     7170 Manage, Belgium      AIM: geertbevin
gbevin at uwyn dot com  Tel: +32 64 84 80 03   Mobile: +32 477 302 599

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