> Ammendos is GPL. Hibernante is LGPL. Rife is CDDL or LGPL.

Ok, good point. Lucky I switched to RIFE. ;)

which did everything I wanted in an ORM and was 97 kB in size, compared to 20MB+ for Hibernate. Performance was almost identical as with Hibernate.

Hibernate jars are really large, so you don't need to overstate it. May be 3 MB should be enough. ;-)

Well, ok, you're right. However, if you look at the complete package for Hibernate 3.1.3: It is 22986237 bytes and that doesn't include the Annotations module, a feature that is supported by Ammentos natively. For Ammentos, there is only the jar. :] - - That's because one short HTML is all the documentation you need.

But I understand that I'm pretty much the only Ammentos fan on the planet compared to several thousand Hibernate users. ^^

Best Regards,

Stefan :)
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