Hi Geert,

Thanks for the support but I am afraid I do not understand your last reply.
I experimented with different code and template solutions but with no success. I want to share my last try because I fear that my understanding of the templating mechanism is not correct.

   public void doReservationList() {
String action = getParameter( "Action" ); Reservation reservation = (Reservation)getSubmissionBean( "reservationList", Reservation.class, "rl_" );
       mReservationId = reservation.getId();
       mTemplate = getHtmlTemplate( "tbs.browseReservations" );
LOG.debug( "doReservationList: " + action + " " + mReservationId ); if( "Details".equals( action ) ) {
           mMode = "display";
           mTab = "reservation";
           buildReservationList( mReservationId );
processEmbeddedElement( mTemplate , ".ReservationDetails", String.valueOf( mReservationId ) ); mTemplate.setBlock( "reservationDetails", "reservationDetails" );
           mTemplate.setValue( "seatList", "" );
          print( mTemplate );
       if( "Seats".equals( action ) ) {
           mMode = "display";
           mTab = "seatList";
           buildReservationList( mReservationId );
           reservation = Reservation.RetrieveById( mReservationId );
           Seat[] seats = reservation.seats();
           int nrofSeats = reservation.seats().length;
           for( int i = 0; i < nrofSeats; i++ ) {
               int seatId = seats[i].getId();
processEmbeddedElement( mTemplate, ".SeatEntry", String.valueOf( i ) + "_" + String.valueOf( seatId ) + "_" + String.valueOf( mReservationId ) );
                mTemplate.appendBlock( "seatDetailsList", "seatEntry" );
               mTemplate.setValue( "reservationDetails", "" );
           mTemplate.setBlock( "seatList", "seatList" );
           print( mTemplate );

For completeness the template snippet:

           ${v reservationDetails}${/v}
           ${b reservationDetails}
               ${v ELEMENT:.ReservationDetails:/}
           ${v seatList}${/v}
           ${b seatList}
               <div id="tabContent" class="tabContent">
                   <table id="row" class="displaytag">
                       ${v seatDetailsList/}
                       ${b seatEntry}
                           ${v ELEMENT:.SeatEntry:/}

With this the "Details" action displays the reservationDetails and a totally 
empty seatList.
But the "Seats" action displays both an empty reservationDetails (correct) and 
the fixed part of seatList but an empty seatDetailsList.
If I remove the reservationDetails div from the template the "Seats" action 
display ok.
So, the same code for the "Seats" action behaves differently in the two 
template variations and I do not see why.

If the template mechanism is not meant to be used like I try, I would like to 
know because I then have to rethink my approach.

Kind regards,
Adriaan de With

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