Hello All,

I am trying to figure out how to use CRUD to represent the following
relationship and continue to be able to use the niceties of MetaData

public class Question {

   Integer id;
   String qText;
   List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();

   ///getter setters etc.


public class Answer {
   Integer id;
   String aText;
// getters, setters, ...


What I'd like to do is to have a Question table for the questions. An
Answer table for answers.  And to have a question_answer table that
represents the answer to question relationship.

question_answer  table:

id    questionid    answerid
---   -------------    ------------
1        345             76767
2        345             76768
3        345             76769

then I'll use the question_answer table with a join on quesiton and
answer to show all the possible answers for a question.

I am confused as to how to represent this relationship.    If I just
leave it up to CreateCrudStructureParticipant and the
QuestionMetaData, it will generate the Element but would have an extra
field to represent "answers" but fails validation with some sort of
index not valid error.

I am not sure what creating a custom CreateCrudStructureParticipant
would buy me neither.  I would guess a custom Element is probably what
I need to take care of the "view" part of the MVC. but still not clear
to me.

Could someone tell me what code to look at that represents the above
relationship ?

thanks in advance.

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