
after a few months I have to get again into RIFE and while studying the
homepage I noticed that RIFE's front page is pretty overloaded and IMHO

It's simply too much text that overwhelms the reader. Even I, who
grokked RIFE at least a bit have problems to understand the first
paragraph. Then there are simply too many bullets. To see the graphic I
have to scroll even on my pretty high resolution. Finally "Why RIFE's
web engine?" belongs IMHO on an own sub-page on it's own.

My suggestion would be: A shorter, friendlier first paragraph which
shall spark interest on RIFE. Then only a few bullets with the most
important features of RIFE and a "More" link which might contain them
all (for my sake just hidden using JavaScript). Anyway, they are inside
"Features" in any case, so it might be not necessary at all.

Then there should be an "Overview" page which might contain the graphic
of the stack and most of the text which is on the front page now.

I think it's no use to write (nearly) all features on the homepage when
only few people are going to read it completely anyway. I'd vote for a
bigger font and catchier phrases which would be backed by other
pages. I'd not go as far as the RoR guys went, but the direction would
be fine.

Just my 2ยข.
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