Hi Geert,

I've been studying JumpStart, the cookbook and the live users guide sections, but I guess (being a visual learner myself) is what's missing is a good, old-fashioned flow diagram and more info on the intrinsics of how all the advanced bits go together...

For example, the memory version is pretty straight forward.. the data source is an XML representation consisting of a hard coded username and password. All of the logging in/out is internal to the framework. Nowhere in the simple auth version does one have to deal with roles, or account creation, a user provided account structure, and all of linkage of the native Rife user handing into that extra metadata, etc.

Even which participant to start the session managers in is not too obvious (at least to me) -- these are factory methods so they should inherently be started only once.. but should there be a small shim bean that does these various one-time setups? How do I invoke it... can I "inject" the startup of these managers in the participants.xml file like CreateCrudStructureParticipant and have the Rife do it for me..? (certainly seems like a good place)

This seems to be at the crux of developing a full commercial web applications with Rife, where a working example that demonstrated a simple but non-trivial DB based user registration and validation system would really make everything a lot clearer.

best regards,

PS: In fact, in wrestling with this for a couple of days, this seems almost like a CRUD-like autogeneration problem that the framework itself should provide like it does other metadata... the user provides an Account structure with all the meta data, there a bunch of setters to tell the framework which are key fields (like if the username is a user-supplied string, or an email address) and what fields are mandatory and how they should be validated... and then you're off and running. Of course, the background issue about non- self-contained authentication is still there (i.e., for corporate or other applications where you need to auth against an outside store such as ActiveDirectory or LDAP) but that's solvable in a similar fashion by having the user provide a hook to an external lib and a template fragment to collect their appropriate authorization tokens needed by the outside system... still it could all be almost transparent to the user...

On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:01 AM, Geert Bevin wrote:

Hi David,

did you look at the jumpstart? It's not setup for DB authentication and uses memory authentication instead. The change is simply done by using the rife/authenticated/database.xml element instead of rife/authenticated/memory.xml. You'll also have to remove the ParticipantMemoryUsers participant since your user credentials will now come from the database.

To install the database structure you can use the install methods of the related managers: com.uwyn.rife.authentication.credentialsmanagers.DatabaseUsers.install () com.uwyn.rife.authentication.sessionmanagers.DatabaseSessions.install( ) com.uwyn.rife.authentication.remembermanagers.DatabaseRemember.install ()

You can get instances of these managers by using their factories.

This installation logic is typically done in your own participant.

Finally, you'll have to indicate to the authentication element what the datasource is that it needs to use by adding the datasource property:
<element id="DbAuth" extends="rife/authenticated/database.xml">
<property name="datasource"><datasource>postgresql</datasource></ property>

You'll find more information here:

Hope this helps,


On 05 Dec 2006, at 07:18, David HM Spector wrote:

Does anyone have a minimal self-contained DB-based authorization web app example they could share...?

I am trying to work through the one in both the Live Users Guide and the sources in the Rife-1.5 examples, but there's enough left out that if you're not familiar with all of the insides of Rife (and you're still learning you way around Rife to begin with), its really tough to get how all of it works...

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                                          David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist.com http://www.zeitgeist.com/
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"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells

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Geert Bevin
Uwyn "Use what you need" - http://uwyn.com
RIFE Java application framework - http://rifers.org
Music and words - http://gbevin.com

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                                          David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist.com http://www.zeitgeist.com/ voice: +1 631.261.5013 fax: +1 212.656.1443
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"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells

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