I'm trying to get my app ready for testing on a production level server, but I am getting errors when ant tries to compile my templates...

The template it's complaining about is only used by inclusion into another template (its the guts of an editing form) that's used in both the initial creation, and in an editor for
FAQs that are built into our app.

Must be something simple I am missing -- I am using the stock build.xml from the 1.51 jumpstart package (although I am using a 1.6 snapshot JAR file) which has the "precompile" target described in http://rifers.org/wiki/display/RIFE/Preparing +applications+for+production ...

Are there isssue with regard to case or special characters that I need to know about when packaging apps (I am running on OS X but HFS+ runs in mixed case mode, and I have gotten warnings when my filenames had the wrong case)? Also, why is the class not found exception referring to "com.uwyn.rife.template.enginehtml.admin.faqs.FAQ_common" ...? Or is that normal..?


Here's the stacktrace:

     [echo] Precompiling html templates:
[java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/AddVenue.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/EditAddressBookProvider.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/EventsAdminControls.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/ExternServiceProviderStats.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/ExternalServiceProviderControls.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/NewsandFAQControls.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/UserAdminControls.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/VenueAdminControls.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/email_template.html ... done. [java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/faqs/AdminFAQS.html ... done. [java] Exception in thread "main" com.uwyn.rife.template.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException: Couldn't find template 'admin.faqs.FAQ-common'. [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateFactory.get (TemplateFactory.java:435) [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateFactory.get (TemplateFactory.java:381) [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateDeployer.execute (TemplateDeployer.java:96) [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateDeployer.main (TemplateDeployer.java:282) [java] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Couldn't resolve template: 'com.uwyn.rife.template.enginehtml.admin.faqs.FAQ_common'. [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateClassLoader.compileTemplate (TemplateClassLoader.java:174) [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateClassLoader.loadClass (TemplateClassLoader.java:145) [java] at com.uwyn.rife.template.TemplateFactory.get (TemplateFactory.java:404)
     [java]     ... 3 more
[java] /Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/ resources/templates : admin/faqs/FAQ-common.html ...

/Users/spector/Work/BittersweetLabs/ShannonClark/NELA/build.xml:169: Java returned: 1

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
                                          David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist.com http://www.zeitgeist.com/ voice: +1 631.261.5013 fax: +1 212.656.1443
                                                    ~ ~ ~
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