Do you have the possibility to provide the stack trace from the gnome client?

Can you
mv $HOME/.config/ring $HOME/.config/ring.old
mv $HOME/.config/gnome-ring $HOME/.config/gnome-ring.old
mv $HOME/.local/share/ring $HOME/.local/share/ring.old
mv $HOME/.local/share/gnome-ring $HOME/.local/share/gnome-ring.old

And relaunch the client?

Be sure to save your export.gz, and have your password. You will be able to re import your account with this file.

On 03/02/2018 11:38 AM, taxista cuatroplazas wrote:
Everytime I launch ring I get a segmentation fault.
I'm running kali linux kernel 4.14-17, gnome3 3.26 and ring 20180119 installed from kali rolling repositories. Ring was running fine until I was saving changes for a second SIP account.Suddenly the aplication crashed and everytime I try to launch it again I get the same error.I can't export my account either (I still got access to my files:ring_device.crt,ring_device.key,configs,export.gz there any way to use it in another computer?).I simply don't know what to do,as I said ring was running fine until it crashed configuring a 2nd SIP account in gnome-ring. Is there anything I can do to repair ring in this OS? Is there anyway in this case to import my RING account into another device?
Thanks in advance.
[mike@kropt ~]$ gnome-ring
** Message: Ring GNOME client version: 1.0.0
** Message: git ref: unknown
Updating all accounts
Loading "1k53b89cf4drghff"
Loading "1pa2c1g9fgfbgxb7"
Loading "dk9ljld4625b767be"
History doesn't exist or is not readable
Loading vcf from: QDir( "/home/mike/.local/share/gnome-ring/profiles" , nameFilters = { "*" },  QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) ) (gnome-ring:21512): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkGrid does not have a child property called expand (gnome-ring:21512): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkGrid does not have a child property called fill (gnome-ring:21512): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkGrid does not have a child property called position QDBusMarshaller: type `VectorString' attempts to redefine basic D-BUS type 'as' (QStringList) (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?) QDBusMarshaller: type `MapStringVectorString' produces invalid D-BUS signature `a{s}' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?) QDBusMarshaller: type `QMap<QString,MapStringVectorString>' produces invalid D-BUS signature `a{s}' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)
Invalid current audio plugin
QDBusConnection: name 'cx.ring.Ring' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.110'
Segmentation fault


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