Oh, yes, you are right.
Done: https://git.ring.cx/savoirfairelinux/ring.cx/issues/30.


On 14/08/18 00:39, Óvári wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Suggest that you create an issue
> https://git.ring.cx/savoirfairelinux/ring.cx/issues
> What do you think?
> Thank you
> Óvári
> On 14/08/18 02:22, Stefan Strogin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Why don't you add a link to the Gentoo overlay
>> https://github.com/stefan-langenmaier/ring-overlay
>> to the page https://ring.cx/en/download/contributions ?
>> This overlay works pretty well, though it was not so easy to find it
>> when I wanted to install GNU/Ring on my Gentoo system.
>> --
>> Stefan

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