So ESX  !
maybe some pub in Lapa on July 31? or Democraticos (pub + forro dancing
also Lapa) on August 1st?

2012/6/13 Randal L. Schwartz <>

> >>>>> "Rodrigo" == Rodrigo Mosconi (perl) <> writes:
> Rodrigo> Então, onde será o encontro social este mês?
> Also, remember that I'm coming in to town (plans are final now).  If we
> could get together July 31, that'd be best, but Jul 30 and Aug 1 are
> also available.
> I know this is next month, but I'm trying to nail it down soon before I
> forget. :)
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
> 0095
> <> <URL:>
> Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for Smalltalk discussion
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