Hi Stephane,

On 11/11/2015 17:36, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> [Is there a better way to record enhancement requests for Atlas? Atlas
> has no public issue tracker, if I'm correct?]

You can also send requests to at...@ripe.net, where they will be
automatically added to our issue queue. There's nothing intrinsically
wrong with sending things to the list though, especially because it
allows other users to chime in and say that they've noticed similar
things before/they have an explanation/a workaround/etc.

> It would be cool to have system (automatic) tags for DNS resolution
> because some probes are using broken DNS resolvers. For instance,
> system-dns-works (modeled on IPv6's system tag) would be fine. Or may
> be system-dns-resolver-works (longer but more accurate).
> For instance, probes 16659, 17072, 17620, 17854 use a resolver which
> yields a REFUSED for any request and probe 19948, 20065 one with
> systematic SERVFAIL.

You may have noticed that we apply "system-resolves-a[aaa]-correctly" to
probes. This happens when we find that at least one of their DNS
resolvers correctly resolves one of a few specific records at least
partially over a 4 hour period. We decided to be specific and shy away
from claims like "DNS works" because that could be considered a rather
strong claim.

The above probes are mostly tagged as "resolves-a[aaa]-correctly"
because they managed to resolve certain A records (e.g. MSM ID 1698856).
Can you provide the measurement ID(s) where you see the REFUSED and
SERVFAIL responses?

> [Is the maintainer of the probe automatically notified when there is
> such an issue?]

If there is a tagging change, then we send an in-site RIPE Atlas message
to the user. We don't currently provide the option of emailing users on
such changes, but it's something that we would consider if there is
support for such an idea.


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