On 20/04/2016 15:32, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
> Dear All,
> Today we released a new feature intended to help the probe hosts detecting,
> understanding and fixing various issued related to probes.
> You should be able to see a new "Status" tab on your probe page. This is
> where we explain various conditions, such as USB problems, non-working IPv6
> or DNS resolutions quirks.
> Please note that this bit is in early stages (officially labeled as beta).
> We believe it works in general, however for now it only explains various
> system tags that mark error conditions. It will have more features in the
> future. It is also intended to be a place where we can add features that
> explain, for example, "your probe behaves differently than the rest" or
> "path MTU issues detected" or such.
> We think this will be a useful feature to hosts. Let us know if you have
> specific suggestions for improvement.
> Regards,
> Robert Kisteleki

It would be nice if not only the probe owner but other users would be
able to view this tab in order to help the users with problematic probes
fix their issues.


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