On 08/09/16 14:01, Anant Shah wrote:
> Hi Emile, 
> Roya and I are working on a geolocation paper and want to use the atlas
> probes to ping target IPs. 
> I think I am hitting the rate limit on atlas even with 99 concurrent
> measurements. All my measurements now show Forbidden status. Is there a
> way to increase the limit? 

yes, ask the team at at...@ripe.net (cc-ed).

the folks there can extend limits (not unlimited of course, these limits
are there for a reason :) ), but would need some info from you:
 - what is the experiment you'd like to perform
 - what would you want the new limit to be (and why what you want to do
can't be done with the current limits and/or existing measurements)
 - when does your experiment end (ie. when can we put the limits back to
the default)
 - promise us that you'll acknowledge RIPE Atlas in a paper
 - send us a link/copy of the paper once it's published

(i hope i'm not forgetting things :) )


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