On 2019-02-14 19:10:17 +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
> On 12/02/2019 18:22, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
> As I am preparing my presentation I went to the stats page:
> https://atlas.ripe.net/results/maps/network-coverage/
> and found that even user growth continues upward as well as number of anchor
> probes, the number of actual probes has more or less tapered off as of
> mid-2017 and ends close to 10,000 probes.  Why is that?
> Since Nov 2015 when we passed the 9000 probe mark, probe growth is
> negligible.
> Why have all these new users (20,000 new uses since Nov 2015!) not added
> probes?

The page also shows 11000 abandoned probes. Maybe there is an
equilibrium between new probes being added and old ones being abandoned,
but the user count keeps increasing because inactive users aren't


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