On 2019/04/17 8:52 , Sebastian Wiesinger wrote:
> all of our four atlas probes have reverted from their fixed network
> configuration to DHCP which is a shame because there is no DHCP at
> their present locations. Also this not the first time it happend. Can
> someone explain why this happens and how to prevent this? This wastes
> a lot of time and effort every time it happens.

Hi Sebastian,

I have to admit I have no idea what could be going on with your probes.
With static IPv4 configuration, there is a bit of complexity in how the
probes switches back up DHCP if the static config doesn't work. But your
probes have IPv6 as well.

For v3 probes, there is always the possibility that the filesystem on
the USB stick become corrupt, and then the static config gets lost as
well. But 3 of your probes are V1/V2.

Maybe you can let me know when you plug them in a network that does have
DHCP? There might be something in the probes' logs that gets reported
when they connect.


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