Hi Philip,
thank you for your replay.

My probe is connected to my network infrastracture again, but not connected to RIPE ATLAS infrastracture

Could you help me now?


-------- Původní zpráva --------
On 2019/06/19 18:38 , Novak Jirka wrote:
my probe 22424 is off-line due to bad firmware signature error.
I try to boot it without USB stick many times, then i change the USB
stick (replace the old one with new one), but it doesnt solve my problem.
Could you help me?

A bad firmware signature error can happen if the USB stick is broken.
But if it still happens after the USB stick has been replaced then it is
usually a network problem.

The probe seems disconnected that the moment. If you connect it again, I
can see if I can find out what is going on.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: Elektronicky podpis S/MIME

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