Thomas Schäfer <> writes:
> Am Dienstag, 25. Juni 2019, 12:47:57 CEST schrieb Bjørn Mork:
>> Hmm.... I see at
>> that AS3320 seems be missing all the Bytemark IPv6 routes.  Looks like
>> they don't have any connectivity to Bytemark's transit upstream, which
>> is AS20860 according to the RIPE db.  I believe this is a fault at
>> AS3320.  It's not just Bytemark they are filtering out here.
> I used the looking glasses at both sites. They don't see each other.
> I already contacted the peering guy at AS3320. He wrote me that zayo doesn't 
> maintain a "AS-set" anymore, so DTAG cannot filter on it.

AS20860 (IOMART) is the transit provider for Bytemark, and they maintain
the AS-IOMART as-set which includes the AS-BYTEMARK as-set among others.

AS20860 again use AS174 (Cogent) and AS6461 (Zayo) for transit, and
peers with a number of other ISPs mostly at LINX.  For some reason not
AS3320 though.  But this should not matter   AS3320 is obviously peering
with Cogent, and should get the routes there at least.

But they could obviously improve their connectivity a bit....

And there is something odd about their Cogent peering.  Looking for the
IPv6 prefixes DTAG has received from via AS174:*+174+.*&server=

Not much to see there.  There should have been a *lot* more routes
there, especially given their lack of other peers.

> I have no much clue about bgp, as-sets, peeringdb, rpki and so on. It's not 
> my 
> business. I am just a user/customer of the DTAG and other ISPs.

Well, it's all a part of the IPv6 fun isn't it? :-)

> Of course there are discussions about security filtering and money, even if 
> bigger ISPs are involved. In this case it seems to me it's a security thing. 

Nope.  You don't drop parts of the Internet because you don't like their
policies.  The Zayo thing is a bad excuse.  They should explain why they
don't take the routes from Cogent then, and also why they don't peer
with IOMART at LINX.

> For me it is just one connectivity failure. ( I am part of the costumer trial 
> ipv6-only at DTAG)

I suggest pushing your contacts at DTAG.  As it is, they provide only
limited IPv6 connectivity to you.  This is incompatible with any
IPv6-only product, trial or not.


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