Hi Teun,

Yes indeed, there were some backend issues between the times you stated.
However, I don't know about any issues from 13.30 on Friday. Do you
still see these issues? If so, could you please provide me with your
subscription parameters (in a private email if you prefer)?

Kind regards,
Chris Amin

On 07/02/2020 16:59, Teun Vink wrote:
> Hi,
> Since ~13.30h CET this afternoon our Atlas data stream subscriptions
> (using the ripe.atlas.cousteau python library) stopped receiving
> updates.
> Earlier today we (at 11.27h) observed some issues with the backend
> where we received redis errors, which were resolved at ~12.09h CET. I
> heard these were related to some firewall issues, could these problem
> be related?
> Regards,

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