On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 03:02:46PM +0100,
 Robert Kisteleki <rob...@ripe.net> wrote 
 a message of 15 lines which said:

> We recently published a RIPE Labs article containing a few proposals:
> https://labs.ripe.net/author/kistel/five-proposals-for-a-better-ripe-atlas/.
> We'd like to encourage you to express your comments about this proposal (if
> you'd like to share them) here.

(In the Cons) "Possible arguments about which provider to include in
this set and which to refuse."

There is a larger problem here, a more strategic one: such a feature
would contribute to the centralisation of the Internet, which is
already too important. Tagging some targets are "important" and
"worthy of measurements" would mean that we consider some HTTP servers
to be more useful than others. That would be a bad message from RIPE.

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