
I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

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Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 16 Oct 2022, at 02:37, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> 

> Hi Michael,
> Both netcat and openssl wait for the 220 to continue. If a timeout would 
> occur during the STARTTLS phase, or before the 220, would this differ from a 
> conclusion perspective? In other words, is it necessary to test once for the 
> 220 to appear (or a timeout), then another time to see if the STARTTLS 
> completes?
> If you have a timeout while waiting for the initial 220 response (service 
> ready), the service is not available. Maybe the SMTP daemon is not running or 
> not answering for some reason, or there's a network issue. If a timeout 
> occurs later during the STARTTLS phase, the server is available and also the 
> underlying network connection seems to be fine. So yes, the conclusion would 
> be a different. But we still don't have to run two separate tests, i think.
> Could this be folded into a single test that does a 220, then the STARTTLS 
> and will report error when there’s a fail in the process?
> Yes. Since we do not really want to send an e-mail, we can probably use 
> OpenSSL for everything in a single run. If you use the -debug parameter, 
> you'll get *very* detailed output which contains all informations we want 
> (except for response-times, i think). There might be a more elegant way to 
> get a better-looking output from OpenSSL. But I don't know how, to be honest. 
> I haven't read the whole man-page :)
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect mahimahi.ripe.net:25 -debug
> Most work is probably to study the OpenSSL documentation, to find out the 
> different error messages we have to expect, depending on the problems we 
> might face:
> - TCP handshake not successfull
> - Server does not reply with 220 (timeout)
> - Server does not reply with 220 (server replies with another 4xx or 5xx code)
> - Server is not ESMTP capable**
> - Connection successfull, but the server does not offer 250-STARTTLS (not 
> supported or suppressed because of MITM attack)
> - 250-STARTTLS was offered, but establishing encryption was still not 
> successful for some reason
> and maybe other typical certificate problems like:
> - certificate invalid (self-signed)
> - certificate invalid (expired)
> - certificate invalid (broken chain)
> **
> SMTP Encryption is optional, but it is not supported by the original SMTP 
> protocoll (RFC 821). To use STARTTLS, the mailserver has to support SMTP 
> "Service Extensions" aka. ESMTP. ESMTP has been introduced 13 years later by 
> RFC 1869. From a communication perspective, the main difference is, that the 
> initiator of the SMTP connection (client) is using EHLO instead of HELO (EHLO 
> = Enhanced HELO). If the server does support ESMTP, it will tell the client 
> it's features. If the server does not support ESMTP, it will reply with an 
> error. I don't know what the OpenSSL output looks like, if you try to connect 
> to a server which does not support ESMTP. It will probably output some error 
> message. This error should be evaluated by the Atlas SMTP measurement too. 
> 99.9% of all mailservers nowadays should support ESMTP, but there might be 
> some usecases... "special application blabla". It could be possible that 
> someone would start a Atlas SMTP measurement for a non-ESMTP compliant 
> target. That's why i am mention this.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 05.10.22 17:55, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for the rundown, that helps.
> The Atlas measurement code uses something different than nc, but that isn’t 
> really relevant, the process is roughly the same.
> I have a question, though. Both netcat and openssl wait for the 220 to 
> continue. If a timeout would occur during the STARTTLS phase, or before the 
> 220, would this differ from a conclusion perspective? In other words, is it 
> necessary to test once for the 220 to appear (or a timeout), then another 
> time to see if the STARTTLS completes? Could this be folded into a single 
> test that does a 220, then the STARTTLS and will report error when there’s a 
> fail in the process?
> As to the TCP traceroute, this is something used by people to measure service 
> availability using Atlas. It isn’t something I came up with perse, but yes 
> its to measure response time as well as availability of the service at the 
> TCP level.
> With regard to additional check such as DANE, these lie somewhere between 
> DNSSEC and TLS measurement. I’ll make a note of this, thanks for the 
> suggestion.
> As to measurements in general, all currently support IPv6 to my knowledge. I 
> agree that new ones should support this too.
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 1 Oct 2022, at 17:11, ripe....@toppas.net wrote:
> Hi Michel,
> That would would indeed mean a combination of TCP and SSL measurement to 
> achieve all 3 required functions. Is it problematic if the result comes from 
> multiple steps? If so, can you explain how?
> The intent of the measurement would be to validate whether an SMTP server is:
>       •       reachable
>       •       responsive
>       •       capable of secured transmissions
> First, let's define the testmethod. In my opinion:
> - reachable
> 3-way TCP Handshake with target on tcp/25 successful?
> - responsive
> when establishing and SMTP connection, does the smtp-server signalize 
> readiness of the service (SMTP 220)?
> - capable of secured transmissions
> when sending an EHLO, the server will tell us his features. 250-STARTTLS 
> should be there.
> For all three checks, it's the easiest to use netcat.
> Reachability:
> $ nc -vz mahimahi.ripe.net 25
> mahimahi.ripe.net [] 25 (smtp) open
> Note, that we have not measured the response time. That's why you wanted to 
> use TCP Traceroute, right? We can also go with TCP Traceroute here.
> Responsiveness (wait for 220):
> $ nc -C mahimahi.ripe.net 25
> 220 mahimahi.ripe.net ESMTP Sat, 01 Oct 2022 15:25:22 +0200
> quit
> 221 mahimahi.ripe.net closing connection
> You might want to use the -w option here, to specify a timeout.
> capable of secured transmissions (send EHLO and check response):
> $ nc -C mahimahi.ripe.net 25
> 220 mahimahi.ripe.net ESMTP Sat, 01 Oct 2022 15:54:04 +0200
> EHLO p123456.probes.atlas.ripe.net
> 250-mahimahi.ripe.net Hello p123456.probes.atlas.ripe.net []
> 250-SIZE 52428800
> 250-8BITMIME
> 250-ETRN
> 250 HELP
> To check the Certificate validity and if encryption is indeed successful, we 
> can use OpenSSL:
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect mahimahi.ripe.net:25
> (output to long, i stripped it)
> You’re correct, the current SSL measurement does not support any form of 
> STARTTLS, this is something that would have to be considered for 
> implementation. I assume, much like with SMTP, similar cases could be made 
> for IMAP4/POP3 or XMPP.
> Yeah, as far as i know, STARTTLS is also used for imap, pop3, xmpp and ftp 
> (ftps, not sftp).
> As i said before, there are additional e-mail security features that we could 
> check. There's MTA-STS, where we would have to perform a combination of HTTP 
> and SSL check. Also, there is DANE, where we would perform a combination of 
> DNS and SSL check (including DNSSEC). But DANE can be used for other 
> protocols as well, not only SMTP. DNSSEC/DANE are perhaps worth a separate 
> check type.
> Last but no least, we should check for Forward-confirmed reverse DNS and 
> matching SMTP banner, which is a combination of DNS and netcat check. This 
> would be a reasonable part of every smtp measurement.
> Please note, that the creator of the measurement should either specify the 
> exact mailserver FQDN, or the target Domain. In the latter case, an MX record 
> lookup has to be performed before the measurement starts, not while the 
> measurement is running. Otherwise it could cause credit consumption trouble, 
> if suddenly multiple mx records are added the domain, while the measurement 
> is running.
> Oh, and please make the SMTP measurement IPv6 capable :)
> BR,
> Simon
> On 29.09.22 11:50, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> >Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a TCP 
> >traceroute on port 25?
> I would say no. Using TCP Traceroute, you can may check for 
> reachability/responsiveness of the host, but not the actual service (smtp).
> That would would indeed mean a combination of TCP and SSL measurement to 
> achieve all 3 required functions. Is it problematic if the result comes from 
> multiple steps? If so, can you explain how?
> I just noticed that the SSL measurement offers a time to connect, response 
> time, certificates as well as SSL alerts which may be leveraged, see here: 
> https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/apis/result-format/#version-4610, under "Version 
> 4610 TLS (SSL) GET Cert”. TCP traceroute may not be necessary in this case, 
> although I understand it is typically used to determine service availability.
> >Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
> I would say no. Correct me if am am wrong. Usually (for example HTTPS or 
> LDAPS) the SSL/TLS encryption starts right after the TCP 3-way Handshake was 
> successfull. For SMTP, that doesn't work. That's because regular SMTP 
> communication starts first, so both sides can negotiate if SSL/TLS encryption 
> is possible (via Enhanced SMTP Status Codes). However, as far as i know, 
> OpenSSL does support SMTP and STARTTLS. So you could probably modify the 
> existing SSL measurement.
> Keep in mind that there's also MTA-STS and DANE, which are really enhancing 
> SMTPs security. A dedicated SMTP measurement would be a good thing.
> You’re correct, the current SSL measurement does not support any form of 
> STARTTLS, this is something that would have to be considered for 
> implementation. I assume, much like with SMTP, similar cases could be made 
> for IMAP4/POP3 or XMPP.
> I would like to understand if there are particulars you are looking for that 
> need to be considered outside of STARTTLS support?
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 23 Sep 2022, at 17:08, ripe....@toppas.net wrote:
> Hi Michel,
> >Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using the proposed 
> >SMTP measurement?
> First of all, we are monitoring the service of a specific target. Same as 
> http or ntp measurements, just another protocol. But we also monitor the 
> Internet. Using an SMTP measurement, we could identify censorship or discover 
> Man-in-the-middle attacks (downgrade attack by suppressing the STARTTLS 
> command).
> >Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a TCP 
> >traceroute on port 25?
> I would say no. Using TCP Traceroute, you can may check for 
> reachability/responsiveness of the host, but not the actual service (smtp).
> >Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
> I would say no. Correct me if am am wrong. Usually (for example HTTPS or 
> LDAPS) the SSL/TLS encryption starts right after the TCP 3-way Handshake was 
> successfull. For SMTP, that doesn't work. That's because regular SMTP 
> communication starts first, so both sides can negotiate if SSL/TLS encryption 
> is possible (via Enhanced SMTP Status Codes). However, as far as i know, 
> OpenSSL does support SMTP and STARTTLS. So you could probably modify the 
> existing SSL measurement.
> Keep in mind that there's also MTA-STS and DANE, which are really enhancing 
> SMTPs security. A dedicated SMTP measurement would be a good thing.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 23.09.22 16:04, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Great that this request sparked a good discussion on the merits of a 
> measurement, as well as its potential impact on servers around the world. 
> Good to see this!
> So I’m going to do a quick recap here, hoping that I capture the intent and 
> the concerns correctly. Please correct me if I err.
> The intent of the measurement would be to validate whether an SMTP server is:
>       •       reachable
>       •       responsive
>       •       capable of secured transmissions
> The concern is that such a check would trigger one of a variety of anti spam 
> measures in place around the world, and/or cause undue traffic to SMTP server 
> operators.
> With this in mind, I am wondering: 
>       •       Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using 
> the proposed SMTP measurement? 
>       •       Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a 
> TCP traceroute on port 25?
>       •       Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
>       ◦        Is it worth exploring STARTTLS support as an extension and 
> what would the implications be?
> Have a good weekend!
> Best regards,
> Michel
> On 21 Sep 2022, at 00:11, Avamander <avaman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Making arguments based upon extreme cases, assumptions, or 
> > potential-for-collateral-damage is not scientific. "I know one that even 
> > [...]" Anecdotal  evidence isn't scientific.
> From the perspective of your previous sentences that's kinda humorous. "To 
> avoid unnecessary costs incurred from disruption of service, excessive 
> traffic, annoyances using up *my* time, and countless other reasonable 
> rationale from *my* point of view." Because sure, a few (hypothetical RIPE 
> probe) connections are exactly that, zero exaggeration, right?
> In the end such fail2ban-fueled (or similar) behaviour I initially addressed, 
> is exactly a non-scientific extreme-case assumption-based approach. There are 
> better and even more standard ways. 
> Crutch solutions out in the wild shouldn't be a showstopper for measuring the 
> ecosystem. (That is already quite neglected)
> > What _objective_ risk/benefit analysis are you basing your opinions upon?
> And you? What's the implication here about systems being as trigger-happy as 
> previously described?
> Because sure, at some point rate limits make total sense, but certainly not 
> at the point where it would ban any potential RIPE probes.
> >  Are you a systems administrator?
> Let's not get into such measuring contests, even if it is the RIPE Atlas 
> mailing list.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:42 PM Paul Theodoropoulos via ripe-atlas 
> <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> wrote:
> On 9/20/2022 10:45 AM, Avamander wrote:
> Great to hear it works for you, but the potential unfortunate collateral from 
> such a blanket action is not really RIPE Atlas' problem. There are more 
> fine-grained methods against bruteforce attempts and open relay probes, than 
> triggering on a few connections.
> What _objective_ risk/benefit analysis are you basing your opinions upon? Are 
> you a systems administrator? My responsibility is to avoid unnecessary costs 
> incurred from disruption of service, excessive traffic, annoyances using up 
> *my* time, and countless other reasonable rationale from *my* point of view.  
> You suggest that it is "not really RIPE Atlas' problem". That's very true. 
> And it is not really my problem if I bounce yoinky, pointless probes of my 
> server, and ruthlessly block them from contacting my server ever again. My 
> server, my choice, my wallet, nobody's business but my own.
> Some webmasters ban IP's for simply visiting a domain, I know one that even 
> dispatches an email to your ISP's abuse@ address upon visit. Should RIPE 
> Atlas probes then not probe any HTTP servers? The answer is obviously no, 
> they shouldn't care.
> Making arguments based upon extreme cases, assumptions, or 
> potential-for-collateral-damage is not scientific. "I know one that even 
> [...]" Anecdotal  evidence isn't scientific.
> Note, I run a probe myself. I don't block any RIPE Atlas traffic on my 
> separate servers hosted on AWS, Oracle, and GCE. 
> -- 
> Paul Theodoropoulos
> anastrophe.com
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