
FYI, Nick Kernan, my Masters student, has deployed a web portal that 
facilitates the comparison between various DNS resolvers, including 
ISP-provided and some influential publicly available resolvers (Google’s public 
DNS, OpenDNS, Quad9, and Cloudflare).  The comparison is based on two factors: 
the latency of DNS resolutions and the latency of TCP handshake with the CDN 
edge server selected through a given resolver.  The results are based on 
recurrent monthly measurements from RIPE Atlas probes that have both IPv4 and 
v6 connectivity, have an ISP-provided resolver available for comparison, and 
which meet certain requirements regarding probe versions and reliability.  You 
can specify the desired month of measurement, a region of interest, and the 
CDNs to analyze.  You can access Nick’s portal through <>

The details of the methodology are in Nick’s thesis, which awaits some 
copyright permissions before being made publicly available.  In the meantime, 
Nick (cc’ed) and I would be happy to answer any questions. 

—Misha Rabinovich
ripe-atlas mailing list

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