I stand corrected. Magellan is also dead.


Ernst J. Oud

> On 19 Sep 2023, at 20:14, Ernst J. Oud <ernst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> If you look here, it shows that the back-end is dead:
> https://atlas.ripe.net/
> > 20 hours backlog, 0 results processed.
> Magellan works fine, so streaming is ok, only storage of results seems to be 
> severely impacted.
> Regards,
> Ernst J. Oud
>>> On 19 Sep 2023, at 20:04, Gerdriaan Mulder <r...@moeilijklastig.nl> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> A few hours ago (around 15:00Z), I launched some one-off 
>> measurements[1][2][3] on the platform for a select number of probes (based 
>> on ASN and region). The target in all three cases was 2a02:1807:1020:700::1 
>> (no hostname, purely the address). Although the number of requested and 
>> participating probes varied a bit, it seems none of the measurements yielded 
>> any results.
>> At the time I didn't look at recent posts on this mailing list, nor was I 
>> aware of this ongoing incident[4] on the Atlas backend. It seems like that 
>> incident might be the cause of the (current) unavailability of these results.
>> It would be great if anyone can confirm that (viewing results of) 
>> user-defined measurements are affected as well.
>> Aside, I suppose the following messages on "My RIPE Atlas Dashboard" are 
>> also caused by the mentioned incident[4]?
>> --->8---
>> 2023-09-18 16:40 UTC    Your probe #11nnn was automatically untagged as 
>> "system: Resolves AAAA Correctly"
>> 2023-09-18 16:40 UTC    Your probe #11nnn was automatically untagged as 
>> "system: Resolves A Correctly"
>> 2023-09-18 16:20 UTC    Your probe #11nnn was automatically untagged as 
>> "system: IPv6 Works"
>> 2023-09-18 16:20 UTC    Your probe #11nnn was automatically untagged as 
>> "system: IPv4 Works"
>> ---8<---
>> Perhaps the incident page[4] can include a few lines of the current 
>> (estimated) impact, as well.
>> Best regards,
>> Gerdriaan Mulder
>> [1] https://atlas.ripe.net/frames/measurements/60161706/ (default IPv6 
>> traceroute)
>> [2] https://atlas.ripe.net/frames/measurements/60162230/ (IPv6 traceroute, 
>> paris=0)
>> [3] https://atlas.ripe.net/frames/measurements/60162753/ (default IPv6 ping)
>> [4] https://status.ripe.net/incidents/wfd7qywz3v68
>> -- 
>> ripe-atlas mailing list
>> ripe-atlas@ripe.net
>> https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ripe-atlas
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