Fellow Peter,

25M sent :)

Kind regards,
Peter Potvin

On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 9:19 AM Peter Thomassen <pe...@desec.io> wrote:

> Dear friends of ATLAS,
> We're conducting a research project [1] involving ATLAS measurements with
> multiple PQC signing implementations (Falcon, XMSS, Dilithium, Sphincs+) to
> see how many clients choke, in various scenarios, depending on the response
> packet properties that come with such responses. The idea is to help inform
> how good or bad the situation is, and which aspects need further research.
> We'd like to do a very comprehensive measurement, and expect our
> measurements to use around 25M credits total. (We currently have 3M.)
> If anyone is willing to donate the missing amount to this project, that
> would be very much appreciated!
> My RIPE account is pe...@desec.io. Thank you very much for considering
> and your generosity!
> Best,
> Peter
> [1]: https://nlnet.nl/project/PQ-DNSSEC-Testbench/
> --
> https://desec.io/
> --
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> ripe-atlas@ripe.net
> https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ripe-atlas
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