I will send 50 million campus credits to you,
We are happy to help you in conducting research.

Pada Sab, 4 Mei 2024 pukul 13.20 Shihan Lin <lshzy...@gmail.com> menulis:

> Dear RIPE Community,
> My name is Shihan Lin, a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science
> at Duke University. My colleagues and I are working on an Internet research
> project led by Prof. Xiaowei Yang, and we are using RIPE Atlas probes in
> our research project.  However, we face a credit shortage in our account,
> so we are writing to humbly request your consideration of a potential
> credit donation to support our ongoing research efforts.
> Our research project aims to improve cloud routing. We first need to
> measure the existing cloud routing performance, so we need to send
> traceroutes and pings from probes around the world to VMs in multiple
> regions of three commercial cloud providers. With traceroute results, we
> can detect clouds’ Points of Presence (PoPs) used by probes to reach the
> VMs. By discovering the PoPs of a cloud, we can discover alternative paths
> by selecting different PoPs to enter the cloud and thus improve the routing
> latency. We finished a part of such measurements and discovered some better
> alternative paths. However, we need another round of measurement to verify
> our findings. Specifically, we need to send repeated pings from probes to
> alternative PoPs to validate that such PoPs consistently offer lower
> latency.
> According to our calculation, we need about 50M credits for our remaining
> measurement.  Thus we are wondering whether we could ask for some donations
> from the RIPE community. We greatly appreciate any assistance you can
> offer. If it is possible, you can donate it to my RIPE Atlas account
> LSHZY137 at gmail.com.
> Thank you very much for your help and great generosity!  Our research will
> be submitted to a networking conference (SIGCOMM, NSDI, or IMC) to share
> the knowledge with the public.
> Many Thanks,
> Shihan Lin
> --
> ripe-atlas mailing list
> ripe-atlas@ripe.net
> https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ripe-atlas

Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Fadloe Robby
Telp/WA : 0812-5154-3201
Univeritas Lambung Mangkurat
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