Filiz, William, task force members,

Thank you for putting together this draft scope.

After reading it a couple of times this sounds to me more and more like
the  charter for a RIPE 'formalisation committee' than like a document
describing the *task* of a 'task force'.

One of our 'RIPE values' that I personally consider quite important is
that we are first and foremost pragmatic and that we are naturally
skeptical of formalisation and creating too much 'process'.
Maybe we should have a refreshing, in more than one sense of that word,
discussion about our consensus on what our 'RIPE vlaues' are.
But that is a little besides the point of my suggestion here.

RIPE creates task forces to produce specific results and I suggest that
we write this scoping document accordingly. What is it that the task
force should produce?  What is the time frame for it?  The scope of a
task force should *not* be to create or "document" new formal process on
behalf of the community, nor should it be open ended.

I offer two rough examples for writing down the scope:

"The RIPE Accountability Task Force will build consensus in the RIPE
community that our way of working is transparent and accountable by the
first RIPE meeting in 2018."

"The RIPE Accountabily Task Force will produce a document describing any
deficiencies in the working of the RIPE community concerning
transparency and accountability as well as suggestions on how to address
these deficiencies. The task force will continuously collect community
input and produce the final document in time for community discussion at
the first RIPE meeting in 2018."

Both approaches work for me. I am also not hammering on the detailed
language or the specific deadline. The scope of a task force needs to be
as concise as possible with a specific result and a specific deadline.

"Contributing to the RIPE Community since 1989." ;-)

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