> On 3 May 2019, at 11:47, Nick Hilliard (INEX) <n...@inex.ie> wrote:
> third party trackers allow incredibly detailed and useful telemetry 
> information to be collected about the performance and usage characteristics 
> of a web site, which provides invaluable feedback to the dev and mgmt team, 
> and without which it would be really hard for them to do their jobs.

That may well be true for the oxygen thieves from planet marketing. However I 
fail to see how any of this guff is remotely relevant to the NCC, the people 
who oversee after our web site(s) or the broader RIPE community.

If someone at the NCC needs to use spyware to do their job, they’re probably in 
the wrong job. There are plenty of openings at other places of business for 
people who want to sell adverts or analyse tracking data.

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