Dear RIPE participants,

Next year, a nominations committee (NomCom) will select two people to fill the positions of RIPE Chair and Vice Chair, with help from the wider community. As chair of the 2019-2020 RIPE NomCom, I invite you to nominate candidates for these positions.

As members of the RIPE community, you will have some idea of what the RIPE Chair is responsible for and what kind of person you would like to see in this role - and the revived Vice Chair role. Please think about suitable candidates, talk with them, discuss this with your peers, and nominate people who will have the support of the community.

You may nominate any member of the RIPE community for either position. Self-nominations are also permitted. NomCom members are not eligible to be considered.

You might also consider volunteering for the NomCom. I have made a separate call for this, which you can find on the ripe mailing list.

Send your nominations to <> and include a description of the skills or expertise that make your candidate a desirable choice. Please also include a working email address or telephone number for the nominee and indicate whether they are aware of your nomination.

The Nomcom will also be interested in your opinion about the performance of the incumbent, Hans Petter Holen.

The deadline for all nominations is Sunday, 15 December 2019.

You can find more information in the relevant RIPE Documents:

ripe-714: A brief description of the RIPE Chair’s role.
ripe-727: Information about the selection process.
ripe-728: Detailed information about the NomCom

I am happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Daniel Karrenberg
Chair of the 2019-2020 RIPE NomCom

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