Dear colleagues,

So far we have 25 volunteers for the NomCom. Thank you!

   Alexander Isavnin                   Internet Protection Society
 Andreas Wkittkemper                      Verizon Deutschland GmbH
       Antonio Prado                                         SBTAP
       Arnold Nipper                        DE-CIX Management GmbH
    Benno Overeinder                                    NLnet Labs
        Brian Nisbet                                        HEAnet
       Dmitry Burkov                                     RU-CENTER
    Dmitry Kohmanyuk                                 Hostmaster.UA
        Geoff Huston                                         APNIC
         Gert Döring                                   SpaceNet AG
       Hervé Clément                                     Orange SA
            Jim Reid                                      RTFM llp
           Joe Abley                      Public Interest Registry
   Marcus Stoegbauer                               Megaport / ECIX
       Martin Winter  Network Device Education Foundation (NetDEF)
       Mircea Ulinic                                  DigitalOcean
      Ondřej Caletka                                        CESNET
        Pascal Gloor                                  Quickline AG
     Paul Hoogsteder                                        Meanie
          Randy Bush                      Arrcus Inc & IIJ & RGnet
        Robert Evans                                          Jisc
     Sander Steffann                           Global NOG Alliance
         Stefan Wahl                               Megaport / ECIX
    Wolfgang Tremmel                        DE-CIX Management GmbH
     Wolfgang Zenker                        GmbH

The RIPE community is more diverse than this pool of volunteers.
Please come forward and volunteer at

The deadline for volunteering is Sunday November 10th 2019.
If this deadline is too soon for you, please let me know.
I might invoke pragmatism and extend it.


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