Sorry, something went horribly wrong there with cut-and-paste. This is the message I intended to send:

On 6 Apr 2020, at 20:18, Warren Kumari wrote:

I've read this (and the minutes) a number of times, and am still
unable to parse -- it sounds the summary is: "Hans Petter will
transition from Chair to ad interim Chair until there is a new chair"
-- is that correct? …


Hans Petter says:

“…I have informed the Working Group Chairs collective that I will resign as RIPE Chair as of 30 April.”

The WG Chairs say:

“Therefore, we have asked Hans Petter, and he has agreed, to take the role of RIPE Chair ad interim after his resignation …”

Hans Petter will resign on April 30th. After that he will serve as RIPE Chair Ad Interim.

“… and to help with a speedier-than-foreseen transition once the selection process for a new Chair and Vice Chair concludes."

After the NomCom process concludes the confirmed candidates will take their roles as Chair and Vice Chair as soon as possible. We will not wait for the autumn meeting as per the planned process.

Clear now?

May sound overly formalistic for RIPE. But we better follow the formalism we have imposed on ourselves, Right?


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