Leo, TF people,

Thank you for coming up with a good and concise code. In particular I like the separation of ‘code’ from ‘enforcement’.
This is a good way forward!

Here are a few general suggestions. I will make some concrete text suggestions in a separate message soon.

1. I have the feeling that both applicability and behaviours can be described even more concisely: focus even more on the principles and separate them even more clearly from the long lists of examples. Call out the examples specifically as ‘examples’ illustrating the principles; do not write ’includes but is not limited’.

2. Heed Vesna’s suggestion to spell out expected behavior in the face of CoC violations in general terms. I understand that you want to separate ‘enforcement’ from the code, but doing this describing enforcement. As much as the code can speak to unacceptable behaviour it can speak about desired behavior … in general terms. I agree with Vesna that this is empowering and also demanding individual action, which is good.

3. Do not give the PC a special role. The whole paragraph is out of place and suddenly mentioning the RIPE NCC too. It almost looks like someone forgot to delete it from a previous version. Keep formal roles and ‘enforcement’ out of this as much as possible.

4. Do not speak about ‘national laws’, just about ‘laws’. Do not refer to ‘the authorities’ but rather to ‘law enforcement in the appropriate jurisdiction(s)’. There suddenly is mention of the CoC team out of the blue in that paragraph too. Another leftover?

5. If you feel that you have to mention roles and organisations in our community, do so in general terms. It may be worth mentioning that there will be different documents describing ‘support’, ’enforcement’ and ‘sanction’ roles with regard to the CoC and that multiple roles already exist complementing each other. Examples: RIPE Chairs, RIPE NCC, WG Chairs, PC, Trusted Contacts, … .

Again: Thank you all very much for the good work!


On 4 Mar 2021, at 14:02, Leo Vegoda wrote:

Dear RIPE community,

An updated draft RIPE Code of Conduct (CoC) is now published for your
review. As this is intended to cover all participation within RIPE, it
applies to interactions over the Internet, mailing lists, as well as
in-person at RIPE Meetings.

You can find the document here:


This draft keeps most of the text in v3.0[1], which was developed by
the RIPE Diversity TF. It also draws from CoCs that are in use in
other communities, including the Python CoC[2]. The biggest change is
that the updated draft covers scope and behaviour only. It doesn’t
touch on process or the CoC Team – these aspects will be addressed in
two separate documents that are still to come.

Please review the draft and share any comments on the RIPE Discussion
List by Friday, 2 April 2021. We welcome suggested changes, but if you
don’t see problems with the draft then statements of support are also
helpful. The RIPE Chair Team will evaluate your comments and determine
whether there is consensus on this draft or additional work is needed.

While we would prefer comments to be shared on the RIPE Discussion
List, we recognise that some people might have feedback that they
would like to share in private. If you want to provide feedback in
private you can contact members of the CoC TF or the RIPE Chair Team

Some key changes in this version:

- The goal of “a neutral, transparent and open framework for report
handling” has been removed and will be covered in the upcoming
document that describes process.
- The scope is defined as “all participation in RIPE.”
- Groups and events with separate governance from RIPE may adopt this
CoC but will need to manage their own implementation.
- A new section covers how the CoC relates to national law.
- A new section lists desired behaviours along with an updated list of
unacceptable behaviours. - Both lists are arranged alphabetically, to
avoid suggesting a hierarchy.

We look forward to reading your thoughts on the current draft.

Kind regards,

Leo Vegoda
On behalf of the RIPE Code of Conduct TF

[1] RIPE Meeting Code of Conduct 3.0 - Draft
[2] Python Community Code of Conduct https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/

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