Some long time ago, somebody (I can't remember who anymore) told me that
"business information" given by a member to any RIR... which presumably
included RIPE... was considered to be "confidential" and would not
thereafter be shared by the RIR staff with any other or outside party.

Now I am trying to figure out (a) if that is true and (b) if so, why it
is true and (c) what the limits may be of that rather sweeping generalization,
if any.

At the moment, I am specifically and only interested in the answers to
these three question with respect to RIPE.

I hope that you will all forgive me for my apparent inability to find
answers to these questions on my own.  I have googled around a little bit,
searching for such things as "RIPE" and "NDA" or "RIPE" and "disclosure"
and I'm still not finding anything that jumps out at me as providing answers.
I'm sure that it is my fault that I'm not able to find answers to these
basic questions on my own, but I hope you all will bear with me anyway.

In particular, I am looking at the current RIPE RSA, and I'm not finding
anything in that that addresses confidentiality in any way:

Did I just miss it?  Is RIPE contractually committed to some specific sort
of confidentialty with respect to materials received from members, or
from prospective members?  If so, where is that committment documented?

I'm intested in this topic of confidentiality *in general*, but I have a
special and particular interest in the contractual confidentiality
commitments, if any, undertaken by RIPE with respect to bullet point #2
in Section 2.2 of the RSA:

    *  A recent extract from the Commercial Trade Register or equivalent
       document proving the registration of the Member with the national

Is RIPE obligated by either contract or policy to confidentiality with
repsect to the mere corporate registrations of its members or prospective
members?  If so, by what rule?  And where is that rule codified?


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