Hi Niall, all,


I need to insist in some of the points that I’ve raised on February 20th, 
rephrasing them a little bit, considering the new version:

Elements of the TF structure of work (Rationale, Charter, etc.). I don’t agree 
it should be the Chair unique responsibility to define them. May be the way to 
resolve this is that once they are drafted by the Chair, there is an 
opportunity for the community to comment on those, let’s say during a one-month 
period? Alternatively, the TF itself may be able to propose a review on that 
once the work is started and seek community support.
There is no way an open and transparent community can accept a non-justified 
decision for appointing TF members. This is prone to arbitrary and 
discriminatory decisions, even if not done in bad faith. Considering the 
“usual” level of participation, I think it will be fine to just call for 
volunteers. You will never get 100 volunteers. I will even agree to say “the 
Chair is suggesting the following experts and we open a n weeks period for 
other volunteers, up to a limit of 10 participants” (just an example). 
Expertise is not the only important thing. You can have experts that don’t have 
the time, or have a bias, or whatever. Allowing open participation removes the 
arbitrariness and provides a balance not only with experts, but also with other 
community eyes.
Consensus building. I’m happier with the new version of this section. However, 
there is something that is still not resolved. If the TF members don’t reach an 
agreement in specific issues, the report from the TF must show that 
disagreement and explain the different views, because that is most probably 
very representative of what the community could think and it is a way to be 
very transparent so the community can either provide alternative views that may 
be the TF didn’t consider, or balance the TF outcome, etc.
Participation of observers in TF calls. Exactly the same we are saying that TF 
mailing list and minutes must be open to the community, the community must be 
able to join the calls (if the TF is using them) as observers (no voice, no 
“vote”). Minutes are good, but they aren’t scripts of all what is being said or 
discussed, and there may be details that are very important and can provide 
means for observers to contribute with additional suggestions from details in 
that discussion.
 This is not only relevant for the TFs and don’t belong to this document but it 
shows very well the point I’m trying to make. We need a clear pre-defined 
well-known timing in case a TF outcome needs to go for community consensus. 
This is the reason I’m saying that the governance documents should also use the 
PDP, because it is a well-known process with well-known timing.


Overall comment that explains my objections/proposed changes: We know that 
whatever is drafted by the TF will need to reach the community consensus or 
bring the creation of a new document(s), etc. However we also know that the 
participation in consensus decision (either in a direct outcome from the TF or 
subsequent documents) is extremely low. So, it is easy to understand that a 
report from a TF that doesn’t neccesarily have a community “overall” support, 
may not receive sufficient inputs (either in favour or against) because many 
community members can think “oh well, it was a TF working on that, they know 
what they are doing, it should be ok”. So there is a lower level of review, etc.








El 23/3/22, 15:38, "ripe-list en nombre de Niall O'Reilly" 
<ripe-list-boun...@ripe.net en nombre de niall.orei...@ucd.ie> escribió:


Dear Colleagues,

[Please view this message as either plain text or HTML, according to your 

In view of significant comments received during what we had expected to be a 
restricted last call, Mirjam and I have decided to make a fresh draft of the 
proposed document on RIPE Task Forces and to make this available for your 
review here. An onward link leads to an alternative presentation of the draft, 
in which recent changes are highlighted.

We are very grateful to Boris Duval and Antony Gollan, who did most of the real 

We plan to close the review period just before 24:00 UTC on Sunday 10 April 
next, and to announce a two-week last-call period shortly after that.

Please let us know what you think, in sufficient numbers so that we can 
understand whether the draft enjoys community consensus.

For your convenience, the table below shows the dates when successive drafts of 
this proposed RIPE Document were announced.

19 Nov 2021M.Kuehne002363 Draft; suggestions invited
16 Dec 2021N.O'Reilly002402 Update; last call closing 14 Jan
3 Feb 2022N.O'Reilly002444 Update; last call extended to 18 Feb
23 Mar 2022N.O'Reillyv3 Fresh draft for review until 10 Apr

Best regards,
Niall O’Reilly

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