
The RIPE NomCom 2020 recommended to make the following improvements to the RIPE Chair selection process [ripe-762]:

  Consider changing ripe-728 to codify the use of a reserve list of
volunteers in case voting members resign from the committee.

  Consider clarifying the example time-lines in ripe-727 and ripe-728
in the light of experience

On request of the RIPE Chair I have drafted the attached revisions to these documents implementing these recommendations.


Using a reserve list is not without alternatives. The IETF has had much relevant discussion about 'gaming' the volunteer selection process recently; see . My experience as NomCom chair strongly suggests to avoid complicating the procedures beyond the endurance of the volunteers involved. A simple reserve list is sufficient for our purposes.

A wording change in ripe-728 tightens the time for getting the NomCom organised from 60 days prior to the consultation RIPE meeting to 90 days prior. This is necessary to enable the full NomCom rather than just the NomCom chair to issue the call for nominations.

The time line appendix should be removed entirely from ripe-728 and the one in ripe-727 should be replaced with the attached one.

Let's avoid cluttering the ripe-list and discuss this over on our venerable ripe-chair-discuss list please.


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  # The RIPE Nominating Committee
  Authors: Hans Petter Holen, Mirjam Kühne, Daniel Karrenberg, Anna Wilson
! Document ID: ripe-728
! Date: August 2019
  ### IETF Copyright
--- 1,10 ----
+ complete the ???s!
  # The RIPE Nominating Committee
  Authors: Hans Petter Holen, Mirjam Kühne, Daniel Karrenberg, Anna Wilson
! Document ID: ripe-???
! Date: ???
  ### IETF Copyright
*** 354,360 ****
  ###  Timeline
  *The completion of the process of selecting and organizing the members
! of the nominating committee is due* 60 days before the Consultation RIPE 
  ### Term
--- 356,362 ----
  ###  Timeline
  *The completion of the process of selecting and organizing the members
! of the nominating committee is due* 90 days before the Consultation RIPE 
  ### Term
*** 650,664 ****
  names of volunteers and announces the members of the nominating
  *No more than two volunteers with the same primary affiliation may be
! selected for the nominating committee.  The Chair reviews the primary
  affiliation of each volunteer selected by the method in turn.  If the
  primary affiliation for a volunteer is the same as two previously
  selected volunteers, that volunteer is removed from consideration and
  the method is repeated to identify the next eligible volunteer.*
! *There must be at least two announcements of all members of the
! nominating committee.*
  *The first announcement should occur as soon after the random
  selection as is reasonable for the Chair.  The community must have at
--- 652,667 ----
  names of volunteers and announces the members of the nominating
+ From the remaining pool of volunteers the chair randomly selects an ordered 
reserve list of volunteers to fill vacancies on the committee.
  *No more than two volunteers with the same primary affiliation may be
! selected. The Chair reviews the primary
  affiliation of each volunteer selected by the method in turn.  If the
  primary affiliation for a volunteer is the same as two previously
  selected volunteers, that volunteer is removed from consideration and
  the method is repeated to identify the next eligible volunteer.*
! *There must be at least two announcements of all selected volunteers.*
  *The first announcement should occur as soon after the random
  selection as is reasonable for the Chair.  The community must have at
*** 692,701 ****
     chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
     *as stated elsewhere in this document.*
!  + *If the Chair is unable to contact a voting volunteer, the Chair
!    must repeat the random selection process in order to replace the
!    unavailable volunteer.  There should be at least one day between
!    the announcement of the iteration and the selection process.*
  *After at least one week and confirming that 10 voting volunteers are
  ready to serve, the Chair makes the second announcement of the
--- 695,701 ----
     chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
     *as stated elsewhere in this document.*
!  + *If the Chair is unable to contact a voting volunteer, the Chair* will 
announce this and contact the first person on the reserve list. 
  *After at least one week and confirming that 10 voting volunteers are
  ready to serve, the Chair makes the second announcement of the
*** 845,854 ****
  *If a single voting volunteer position on the nominating committee is
  vacated, regardless of the circumstances, the committee may choose to
  proceed with only nine voting volunteers at its own discretion.  In
! all other cases, a new voting member must be selected, and the Chair
! must repeat the random selection process including an announcement of
! the iteration prior to the actual selection as stated elsewhere in
! this document.*
  *A change in the primary affiliation of a voting volunteer during the
  term of the nominating committee is not a cause to request the recall
--- 845,851 ----
  *If a single voting volunteer position on the nominating committee is
  vacated, regardless of the circumstances, the committee may choose to
  proceed with only nine voting volunteers at its own discretion.  In
! all other cases, *the first person who on the reseve list will become a new 
voring member.
  *A change in the primary affiliation of a voting volunteer during the
  term of the nominating committee is not a cause to request the recall
*** 1231,1236 ****
--- 1228,1237 ----
  on 30 August he 
+ The document was published as 
+ The NomCom 2020 recommended some changes to ripe-728 in the light of its 
experience [ripe-762]( On 
request of the RIPE Chair Daniel Karrenberg drafted changes implementing the 
+ ???
  ## Appendix M - Volunteer Qualification Supporting Data
*** 1265,1302 ****
  Code published here: <>
- ## Appendix T - Timeline
- *This appendix is included for the convenience of the reader and is
- not to be interpreted as the definitive timeline. It is intended to
- capture the detail described elsewhere in this document in one place.
- Although every effort has been made to ensure the description here is
- consistent with the description elsewhere, if there are any conflicts
- the definitive rule is the one in the main body of this document.*
- The timeline includes a "nominal month and year" based on the assumption
- that the Transition RIPE Meeting will take place in May of year two.
- |Event                        |Time / Deadline                            
|Nominal Month|
- |NomCom chair appointed       |15 days before Nomination RIPE Meeting     
|April / 1    |
- |**Nominations RIPE Meeting** |Two meetings before Transition RIPE 
Meeting|May / 1      |
- |Call for nominations         |During Nomination RIPE Meeting             
|May / 1      |
- |Call for NomCom volunteers   |During Nomination RIPE Meeting             
|May / 1      |
- |NomCom volunteers announced  |30 days after call for volunteers          
|June / 1     | 
- |NomCom announced             |45 days after call for volunteers          
|July / 1     |
- |Nominations close            |60 days after call for nominations         
|August / 1   |
- |NomCom organised             |60 days before Consultation RIPE Meeting   
|August / 1   |
- |Nominees announced           |15 days before Consultation RIPE Meeting   
|Sept / 1     |
- |**Consultation RIPE Meeting**|One meeting before Transition RIPE Meeting 
|Oct / 1      |
- |NomCom makes selection       |90 days before Transition RIPE Meeting     
|Feb / 2      |
- |Selection Confirmed          |30 days after NomCom makes selection       
|March / 2    |
- |Selection Announced          |15 days before Transition RIPE Meeting     
|March / 2    |
- |**Transition RIPE Meeting**  |                                           
|May / 2      |
- |NomCom Report                |During Transition RIPE Meeting             
|May / 2      |
- |Transition                   |During Transition RIPE Meeting             
|May / 2      |
--- 1266,1268 ----
complete the ???s!

# The RIPE Nominating Committee

Authors: Hans Petter Holen, Mirjam Kühne, Daniel Karrenberg, Anna Wilson
Document ID: ripe-???
Date: ???

### IETF Copyright

This document is a derivative work of [RFC7437]( It is created and published under a copyright license agreement between the RIPE NCC and the IETF Trust and any further use of it is subject to [BCP 78]( and the [IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents]( in effect on the date of publication of this document.
The text re-used in this way is identified by using markdown 'emphasis' 
*like this* in the remainder of the document. Usually this is rendered in an *italic font*.

## Scope

The RIPE Chair selection process is described in ripe-727; that document calls for a RIPE Nominating Committee. This document describes the RIPE Nominating Committee, its creation, timeline, operation, dispute resolution as well as the recall of serving RIPE officials.

## Introduction

ripe-727 can be considered the high-level description of the process to select the RIPE Chair and Vice Chair. This document describes the detailed procedures. Rather than inventing all new procedures, we re-use the proven procedures the IETF uses to select the members of the IAB. We rely on the experience of the IETF with its Nominating committee (NomCom) described in [RFC7437](, the current version of [BCP10] (

Specifically we re-used

  + The designated non-voting chair,
  + The random selection from a pool of eligible volunteers,
  + The general operating principles, and
  + The confirmation of the candidates

from the IETF process to select the members of the IAB.

We copied the detailed procedures almost verbatim from RFC7437. *All text literally copied from RFC7437 is indicated like this in the remainder of this document.*

All text in this document describes RIPE procedures and exists independently of the IETF documents. The procedures described here will **not** follow changes the IETF might make in the future unless the RIPE community decides to update this document.

### Adaption Methods

We used the following methods to adapt RFC7437 to our purposes:

+ Unlike the IETF NomCom, the RIPE Nominating Committee
  is not instantiated every year but only as necessary.

+ We omitted some text specific to the IETF structure and process.

+ We removed all specifics of the roles that the committee selects people to fill. 
  These details will be covered in separate documents like ripe-727;
  we call these documents 'invoking documents'.
+ Based on community discussions we have applied the following mappings: 

   | RFC7437                             |This Document                              |
   |IETF Community                    |RIPE community                |
   |Internet Society Board of Trustees|RIPE NCC Executive Board      |
   |President of the Internet Society |RIPE NCC Executive Board Chair|
   |IETF Secretariat                  |RIPE NCC                      |
   |IETF Executive Director           |RIPE Chair                    |

+ We made the following changes throughout:

  + We have expressed normative time periods as a number of calendar days 
    in order to remove possible ambiguities.  

### Rationale

We described the basic rationale of this approach above: re-use a proven procedure for a similar application and avoid inventing new procedures as much as possible. This process has worked well for the IETF.

Both the level of detail and the number of words in these procedures are very different from what RIPE has been practicing up to now. This is due to the fact that the 'code' we are re-using has evolved over a considerable amount of time based on experience.

This 'code' contains a lot of routines to handle abnormal situations, 'code' that is not expected to be executed very often, if at all. Like any good and well-tested production level 'code' this 'error handling' increases the total size considerably. 
The normal 'execution path' is described in ripe-727.

Also, the process to select the committee members is very detailed. Like the IETF, we consider it crucial that this selection is well specified and transparent, so that it can be observed and verified by the community.

We also strive to make this process very general. This allows for the RIPE Nominating Committee to select persons for other roles in the future. In other words: we intend this 'code' to be re-usable. Therefore, we keep the general language of RFC7437 where we could use more specific language. For instance, we keep references to 'confirming bodies' even though we have only one specific confirming body defined today in ripe-727.


##  Introduction

*The time frames specified here use*
RIPE Meetings
*as a frame of reference.  The time frames assume that*
RIPE Meetings occur two times
*per calendar year with approximately equal amounts of time between

+ **RIPE Meeting**:
A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), 
network operators and other interested parties gather 
to discuss issues of interest to the Internet community.
This document assumes that there are two RIPE Meetings each year.

     + **Nominations RIPE Meeting**:
     The RIPE Meeting during which calls are made both for nominations 
     and for NomCom volunteers.
     This normally is two meetings before the Transition RIPE Meeting.

     + **Consultation RIPE Meeting**: 
     The RIPE Meeting during which the NomCom consults the community 
     about the nominees.
     This normally is one meeting before the Transition RIPE Meeting.

     + **Transition RIPE Meeting**:
     The RIPE Meeting during which the confirmed candidates take on their role.
Appendix T provides a summary of the overall timeline.

*The next section lists the words and phrases commonly used throughout
this document with their intended meaning.*

*The majority of this document is divided into four major topics as

 + *General:  This is a set of rules and constraints that apply to the
   selection and confirmation process as a whole.*

 + *Nominating Committee Selection:  This is the process by which the
   volunteers who will serve on the committee are selected.*

 + *Nominating Committee Operation:  This is the set of principles,
   rules, and constraints that guide the activities of the nominating
   committee, including the confirmation process.*
 + Recall of Officials:  *This is the process by which the behaviour of a*
   RIPE official *may be questioned, perhaps resulting in the removal of the*

##  Definitions

*The following words and phrases are commonly used throughout this
document.  They are listed here with their intended meaning for the
convenience of the reader.*

 + Invoking RIPE Document: The RIPE Document that invokes this selection procedure.
   This RIPE Document describes one or more roles, their general qualifications, 
   eligibility, term lengths and term limits as well as the confirming body.
 + Position: A formal role RIPE has defined in an invoking RIPE Document.
   We are not very happy with some connotations of the word itself 
   in the context of the RIPE tradition.
   We use this word because RFC7437 uses it and this avoids a lot of small edits. 
 + Official: A person serving in a role.
   RFC7437 uses 'member' which does not apply in the RIPE context and would cause confusion. 
   We are not entirely happy with the word 'official' in the context of the RIPE tradition
   but so far have not been able to come up with a synonym that works better.
 + *Nominee:  A person who is being or has been considered for one or
   more open positions.*
 + *Candidate:  A nominee who has been selected to be considered for
   confirmation by a confirming body.*
 + Confirming body: A well-defined person or group of persons that evaluates
   the process followed by the nominating committee 
   and confirms the candidates selected.
   The confirming body for each role is defined in 
   the respective invoking RIPE Document.
 + *Confirmed candidate:  A candidate that has been reviewed and approved
   by a confirming body.*

 + *Nominating committee term:  The term begins when its members are
   officially announced, which is expected to be prior to the* 
   Consultation RIPE Meeting
   *to ensure it is fully operational at the*
   Consultation RIPE Meeting. 
   The term ends when the committee makes its final report,
   which is expected to occur at the Transition RIPE Meeting.

##  General

*The following set of rules apply to the process as a whole.  If
necessary, a paragraph discussing the interpretation of each rule is

###  Nominating Committee Principal Functions

*The principal functions of the nominating committee are to review
each open position and to nominate either its incumbent or a superior candidate.*

*Although there* may be no term limit for serving in a specific role
*the nominating committee may use length of service as one
of its criteria for evaluating an incumbent.*

*The nominating committee does not select the open positions to be
reviewed; it is instructed as to which positions to review.*

*The nominating committee will be given the titles of the positions to
be reviewed and a brief summary of the desired expertise of the
candidate that is nominated to fill each position.*

*Incumbents must notify the nominating committee if they wish to be

*The nominating committee does not confirm its candidates; it presents
its candidates to the appropriate confirming body as indicated*
in the invoking RIPE Document.

*A superior candidate is one who the nominating committee believes
would contribute in such a way as to improve or enhance the body to
which he or she is nominated.*

###  Confidentiality

*All deliberations and supporting information that relates to specific
nominees, candidates, and confirmed candidates are confidential.*

*The nominating committee and confirming body members will be exposed
to confidential information as a result of their deliberations, their
interactions with those they consult, and from those who provide
requested supporting information.  All members and all other
participants are expected to handle this information in a manner
consistent with its sensitivity.*

*It is consistent with this rule for current nominating committee
members who have served on prior nominating committees to advise the
current committee on deliberations and results of the prior
committee, as necessary and appropriate.*

*The list of nominees willing to be considered for positions under
review in the current nominating committee cycle is not confidential.
The nominating committee may disclose a list of names of nominees who
are willing to be considered for positions under review to the
community, in order to obtain feedback from the community on these

*The list of nominees disclosed for a specific position should contain
only the names of nominees who are willing to be considered for the
position under review.*

*The nominating committee may choose not to include some names in the
disclosed list, at their discretion.*

*The nominating committee may disclose an updated list, at its
discretion.  For example, the nominating committee might disclose an
updated list if it identifies errors/omissions in a previously
disclosed version of the disclosed list, or if the nominating
committee finds it necessary to call for additional nominees, and
these nominees indicate a willingness to be considered before the
nominating committee has completed its deliberations.*

*Nominees may choose to ask people to provide feedback to the
nominating committee but should not encourage any public statements
of support.  Nominating committees should consider nominee-encouraged
lobbying and campaigning to be unacceptable behavior.*

RIPE *community members are encouraged to provide feedback on nominees
to the nominating committee but should not post statements of
support/non-support for nominees in any public forum.*

### Advice and Consent Model

*Unless otherwise specified, the advice and consent model is used
throughout the process.  This model is characterized as follows.*

#### Positions To Be Reviewed

The RIPE Chair publicly *informs the nominating committee of the
positions to be reviewed.*

The nominating committee uses the information in the invoking document
to learn about the role and the capabilities and expertise
desired of the candidates.

####  Candidate Selection

*The nominating committee selects candidates based on its
understanding of the* RIPE *community's consensus of the qualifications
required and advises each confirming body of its respective

####  Candidate Review

*The confirming bodies review their respective candidates, they may at
their discretion communicate with the nominating committee, and then
consent to some, all, or none of the candidates.*

*The confirming bodies conduct their review using all information and
any means acceptable to them, including but not limited to the
supporting information provided by the nominating committee,
information known personally to members of the confirming bodies and
shared within the confirming body, the results of interactions within
the confirming bodies, and the confirming bodies' interpretation of
what is in the best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*If all of the candidates are confirmed, the job of the nominating
committee with respect to those open positions is complete.*

*If some or none of the candidates submitted to a confirming body are
confirmed, the confirming body should communicate with the nominating
committee both to explain the reason why all the candidates were not
confirmed and to understand the nominating committee's rationale for
its candidates.*

*The confirming body may reject individual candidates, in which case
the nominating committee must select alternate candidates for the
rejected candidates.*

*Any additional time required by the nominating committee should not
exceed its maximum time allotment.*

#### Confirmation

*A confirming body decides whether it confirms each candidate using a
confirmation decision rule chosen by the confirming body.*

*If a confirming body has no specific confirmation decision rule, then
confirming a given candidate should require at least one-half of the
confirming body's sitting members to agree to that confirmation.*

*The decision may be made by conducting a formal vote, by asserting
consensus based on informal exchanges (e.g., email), or by any other
mechanism that is used to conduct the normal business of the
confirming body.*

*Regardless of which decision rule the confirming body uses, any
candidate that is not confirmed under that rule is considered to be

*The confirming body must make its decision within a reasonable time
frame.  The results from the confirming body must be reported
promptly to the nominating committee.*

### Announcements

*All announcements must be made using at least the mechanism used by
the* RIPE NCC *for its announcements, including a notice on the*
RIPE NCC *website.*

*As of the publication of this document, the current mechanism is an
email message to the* '' *mailing list*.

##  Nominating Committee Selection

*The following set of rules apply to the creation of the nominating
committee and the selection of its members.*

###  Timeline

*The completion of the process of selecting and organizing the members
of the nominating committee is due* 90 days before the Consultation RIPE Meeting.

### Term

The term of a nominating committee ends when it delivers its final report.
This is expected to occur at the Transition RIPE Meeting.

*A nominating committee is expected to complete any work in progress
before it is dissolved at the end of its term.*

###  Structure

*The nominating committee comprises at least a Chair, 10 voting
volunteers, two liaisons, and an advisor.*

*Any committee member may propose the addition of an advisor to
participate in some or all of the deliberations of the committee.
The addition must be approved by the committee according to its
established voting mechanism.  Advisors participate as individuals.*

*Any committee member may propose the addition of a liaison from other
unrepresented organizations to participate in some or all of the
deliberations of the committee.  The addition must be approved by the
committee according to its established voting mechanism.  Liaisons
participate as representatives of their respective organizations.*

*The Chair is selected according to rules stated elsewhere in this

*The 10 voting volunteers are selected according to rules stated
elsewhere in this document.*

A confirming body for a position under consideration by the nominating 
committee may appoint a liaison to the nominating committee at its own discretion.

*The Chair of* the previous *nominating committee serves as an advisor
according to rules stated elsewhere in this document.*

*The Chair, liaisons, and advisors do not vote on the selection of
candidates.  They do vote on all other issues before the committee
unless otherwise specified in this document.*

###  Chair Duties

*The Chair of the nominating committee is responsible for ensuring the
nominating committee completes its assigned duties in a timely
fashion and performs in the best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*The Chair must be thoroughly familiar with the rules and guidance
indicated throughout this document.  The Chair must ensure the
nominating committee completes its assigned duties in a manner that
is consistent with this document.*

*The Chair must attest by proclamation at*
the Transition RIPE Meeting
*that the results of the committee represent its best
effort and the best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*The Chair does not vote on the selection of candidates.*

### Chair Selection

The chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*appoints the Chair, who must meet the same requirements 
for membership in the nominating committee as a voting volunteer.*

*The nominating committee Chair must agree to invest the time
necessary to ensure that the nominating committee completes its
assigned duties and to perform in the best interests of the* RIPE
*community in that role.*

*The appointment is due no later than*
15 days prior to the Nominations RIPE Meeting
*to ensure it can be announced during a plenary session at that meeting.*

###  Temporary Chair

*A Chair, in consultation with the*
chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board,
*may appoint a temporary substitute for the Chair position.*

*There are a variety of ordinary circumstances that may arise from
time to time that could result in a Chair being unavailable to
oversee the activities of the committee.  The Chair, in consultation
with the*
chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board,
*may appoint a substitute from a
pool comprised of the liaisons currently serving on the committee and
the prior Chair or designee.*

*Any such appointment must be temporary and does not absolve the Chair
of any or all responsibility for ensuring the nominating committee
completes its assigned duties in a timely fashion.*

###  Liaisons

*Liaisons are responsible for ensuring the nominating committee in
general and the Chair in particular execute their assigned duties in
the best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*Liaisons are expected to represent the views of their respective
organizations during the deliberations of the committee.  They should
provide information as requested or when they believe it would be
helpful to the committee.*

*Liaisons are expected to convey questions from the committee to their
respective organizations and responses to those questions to the
committee, as requested by the committee.*

The liaison from the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*(if one was appointed) is expected to review the operation and
executing process of the nominating committee and to report any
concerns or issues to the Chair of the nominating committee
immediately.  If they cannot resolve the issue between themselves,
liaisons must report it according to the dispute resolution process
stated elsewhere in this document.*

*Liaisons from confirming bodies are expected to assist the committee
in preparing the testimony it is required to provide with its

*Liaisons may have other nominating committee responsibilities as
required by their respective organizations or requested by the
nominating committee, except that such responsibilities may not
conflict with any other provisions of this document.*

*Liaisons do not vote on the selection of candidates.*

###  Advisors

*An advisor is responsible for such duties as specified by the
invitation that resulted in the appointment.*

*Advisors do not vote on the selection of candidates.*

###  Past Chair

*The Chair of the prior nominating committee serves as an
advisor to the current committee.*

*The prior Chair is expected to review the actions and
activities of the current Chair and to report any concerns or issues
to the nominating committee Chair immediately.  If they can not
resolve the issue between themselves, the prior Chair must
report it according to the dispute resolution process stated
elsewhere in this document.*

*The prior Chair may select a designee from a pool composed of
the voting volunteers of the prior committee and all prior
Chairs if the Chair is unavailable.  If the prior Chair is
unavailable or is unable or unwilling to make such a designation in a
timely fashion, the Chair of the current committee may select
a designee in consultation with the*
chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

*Selecting a prior committee member as the designee permits the
experience of the prior deliberations to be readily available
to the current committee.  Selecting an earlier prior Chair as
the designee permits the experience of being a Chair as well as that
Chair's committee deliberations to be readily available to the
current committee.*

*All references to "prior Chair" in this document refer to the
person serving in that role, whether it is the actual prior
Chair or a designee.*

###  Voting Volunteers

*Voting volunteers are responsible for completing the tasks of the
nominating committee in a timely fashion.*

*Each voting volunteer is expected to participate in all activities of
the nominating committee with a level of effort approximately equal
to all other voting volunteers.  Specific tasks to be completed are
established and managed by the Chair according to rules stated
elsewhere in this document.*

###  Milestones

*The Chair must establish and announce milestones for the selection of
the nominating committee members.*

*There is a defined time period during which the selection process is
due to be completed.  The Chair must establish a set of milestones
which, if met in a timely fashion, will result in the completion of
the process on time.*

### Open Positions

*The Chair (or the* RIPE Chair *if no Chair has been named*
15 days before the Nominations RIPE Meeting
*obtains the list of positions to be reviewed and announces it along with a
solicitation for names of volunteers from the* RIPE *community willing
to serve on the nominating committee.*

*If the* RIPE Chair *issues the solicitation for
volunteers, the* RIPE Chair *must also collect responses
to the solicitation and provide the names of volunteers to the
nominating committee Chair when the nominating
committee Chair is named.*

*At the Chair's request, the* RIPE NCC *may perform other
clerical support tasks, as long as the task being performed does not
require nominating committee Chair judgment, in the nominating
committee Chair's opinion, and as long as the community is
appropriately notified that this request is being made.  This request
may come from the incoming nominating committee Chair (if one has
been selected for this nominating committee cycle) or the previous
nominating committee Chair (if the search for an incoming nominating
committee Chair is still underway).*

*The solicitation must permit the community at least 30 days during
which they may choose to volunteer to be selected for the nominating

*The list of open positions is published with the solicitation to
facilitate community members choosing between volunteering for an
open position and volunteering for the nominating committee.*

### Volunteer Qualification

*Members of the* RIPE *community must have attended at least three of
the last five* RIPE *Meetings in order to volunteer.*

*The five meetings are the five most recent meetings*
including the Nominations RIPE Meeting.

For empirical data supporting the feasibility of these qualifications
at the time of this writing see appendix M.

*The* RIPE NCC *is responsible for confirming that volunteers
have met the attendance requirement.*

*Volunteers must provide their full name, email address, and primary
company or organization affiliation (if any) when volunteering.*

*Volunteers are expected to be familiar with the* RIPE *processes and
procedures, which are readily learned by active participation in a
working group and especially by serving as a document editor or
working group chair.*

###  Not Qualified

*Any person who serves*
on the RIPE NCC Executive Board,
or a confirming body for a position to be selected by the committee
*may not volunteer to serve as voting members of the nominating committee.  Liaisons to these
bodies from other bodies or organizations are not excluded by this

###  Selection Process

*The Chair announces both the list of the pool of volunteers from
which the 10 voting volunteers will be randomly selected and the
method with which the selection will be completed.*

*The announcement should be made at least*
seven days
*prior to the date
on which the random selection will occur.*

*The pool of volunteers must be enumerated or otherwise indicated
according to the needs of the selection method to be used.*

*The announcement must specify the data that will be used as input to
the selection method.  The method must depend on random data whose
value is not known or available until the date on which the random
selection will occur.*

*It must be possible to independently verify that the selection method
used is both fair and unbiased.  A method is fair if each eligible
volunteer is equally likely to be selected.  A method is unbiased if
no one can influence its outcome in favour of a specific outcome.*

*It must be possible to repeat the selection method, either through
iteration or by restarting in such a way as to remain fair and
unbiased.  This is necessary to replace selected volunteers should
they become unavailable after selection.*

*The selection method must produce an ordered list of volunteers.*

*One possible selection method is described in [RFC3797].*

###  Announcement of Selection Results

*The Chair randomly selects the 10 voting volunteers from the pool of
names of volunteers and announces the members of the nominating

From the remaining pool of volunteers the chair randomly selects an ordered reserve list of volunteers to fill vacancies on the committee.

*No more than two volunteers with the same primary affiliation may be
selected. The Chair reviews the primary
affiliation of each volunteer selected by the method in turn.  If the
primary affiliation for a volunteer is the same as two previously
selected volunteers, that volunteer is removed from consideration and
the method is repeated to identify the next eligible volunteer.*

*There must be at least two announcements of all selected volunteers.*

*The first announcement should occur as soon after the random
selection as is reasonable for the Chair.  The community must have at
least* seven days *during which any member may challenge the results of
the random selection.*

*The challenge must be made in writing (email is acceptable) to the
Chair.  The Chair has 48 hours to review the challenge and offer a
resolution to the member.  If the resolution is not accepted by the
member, that member may report the challenge according to the dispute
resolution process stated elsewhere in this document.*

*If a selected volunteer, upon reading the announcement with the list
of selected volunteers, finds that two or more other volunteers have
the same affiliation, then the volunteer should notify the Chair who
will determine the appropriate action.*

*During at least the* seven day *challenge period, the Chair must contact
each of the members and confirm their willingness and availability to
serve.  The Chair should make every reasonable effort to contact each

 + *If the Chair is unable to contact a liaison, the problem is
   referred to the respective organization to resolve.  The Chair
   should allow a reasonable amount of time for the organization to
   resolve the problem and then may proceed without the liaison.*

 + *If the Chair is unable to contact an advisor, the Chair may elect
   to proceed without the advisor, except for the prior year's Chair
   for whom the Chair must consult with the*
   chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
   *as stated elsewhere in this document.*

 + *If the Chair is unable to contact a voting volunteer, the Chair* will announce this and contact the first person on the reserve list. 

*After at least one week and confirming that 10 voting volunteers are
ready to serve, the Chair makes the second announcement of the
members of the nominating committee, which officially begins the term
of the nominating committee.*

###  Committee Organization

*The Chair works with the members of the committee to organize itself
in preparation for completing its assigned duties.*

*The committee has approximately* 30 days *during which it can 
self-organize.  Its responsibilities during this time include but are not
limited to the following:*

 + *Setting up a regular teleconference schedule.*

 + *Setting up an internal website.*

 + *Setting up a mailing list for internal discussions.*

 + *Setting up an email address for receiving community input.*

 + *Establishing operational procedures.*

 + *Establishing milestones in order to monitor the progress of the
   selection process.*

## Nominating Committee Operation

*The following rules apply to the operation of the nominating
committee.  If necessary, a paragraph discussing the interpretation
of each rule is included.*

*The rules are organized approximately in the order in which they
would be invoked.*

### Discretion

*All rules and special circumstances not otherwise specified are at
the discretion of the committee.*

*Exceptional circumstances will occasionally arise during the normal
operation of the nominating committee.  This rule is intended to
foster the continued forward progress of the committee.*

*Any member of the committee may propose a rule for adoption by the
committee.  The rule must be approved by the committee according to
its established voting mechanism.*

*All members of the committee should consider whether the exception is
worthy of mention in the next revision of this document and follow-up

###  Selection Timeline

*The completion of the process of selecting candidates to be confirmed
by their respective confirming body is due within* 90 days.

*The completion of the process of selecting candidates to be confirmed
by their respective confirming body is due* 
90 days prior to the Transition RIPE Meeting.
*This ensures the nominating committee has
sufficient time to complete the confirmation process.*

###  Confirmation Timeline

*The completion of the process of confirming the candidates is due
within* 30 days.

*The completion of the confirmation process is due at least*
15 days prior to the Transition RIPE Meeting.

###  Milestones

*The Chair must establish a set of nominating committee milestones for
the candidate selection and confirmation process.*

*There is a defined time period during which the candidate selection
and confirmation process must be completed.  The Chair must establish
a set of milestones that, if met in a timely fashion, will result in
the completion of the process on time.  The Chair should allow time
for iterating the activities of the committee if one or more
candidates are not confirmed.*

*The Chair should ensure that all committee members are aware of the

###  Voting Mechanism

*The Chair must establish a voting mechanism.*

*The committee must be able to objectively determine when a decision
has been made during its deliberations.  The criteria for determining
closure must be established and known to all members of the
nominating committee.*

### Voting Quorum

*At least a quorum of committee members must participate in a vote.*

*Only voting volunteers vote on a candidate selection.  For a
candidate selection vote, a quorum is comprised of at least seven of
the voting volunteers.*

*At all other times, a quorum is present if at least 75% of the
nominating committee members are participating.*

### Voting Member Recall

*Any member of the nominating committee may propose to the committee
that any other member except the Chair be recalled.  The process for
recalling the Chair is defined elsewhere in this document.*

*There are a variety of ordinary circumstances that may arise that
could result in one or more members of the committee being
unavailable to complete their assigned duties, for example, health
concerns, family issues, or a change of priorities at work.  A
committee member may choose to resign for unspecified personal
reasons.  In addition, the committee may not function well as a group
because a member may be disruptive or otherwise uncooperative.*

*Regardless of the circumstances, if individual committee members can
not work out their differences between themselves, the entire
committee may be called upon to discuss and review the circumstances.
If a resolution is not forthcoming, a vote may be conducted.  
A member may be recalled if at least a quorum of all committee members
agree, including the vote of the member being recalled.*

*If a liaison member is recalled, the committee must notify the
affected organization and must allow a reasonable amount of time for
a replacement to be identified by the organization before proceeding.*

*If an advisor member other than the prior Chair is recalled,
the committee may choose to proceed without the advisor.  In the case
of the prior Chair,*
the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*must be notified and the current Chair must be allowed a reasonable amount of
time to consult with*
the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*to identify a replacement before proceeding.*

*If a single voting volunteer position on the nominating committee is
vacated, regardless of the circumstances, the committee may choose to
proceed with only nine voting volunteers at its own discretion.  In
all other cases, *the first person who on the reseve list will become a new voring member.

*A change in the primary affiliation of a voting volunteer during the
term of the nominating committee is not a cause to request the recall
of that volunteer, even if the change would result in more than two
voting volunteers with the same affiliation.*

###  Chair Recall

*Only the prior Chair may request the recall of the current

*It is the responsibility of the prior Chair to ensure the
current Chair completes the assigned tasks in a manner consistent
with this document and in the best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*Any member of the committee who has an issue or concern regarding the
Chair should report it to the prior Chair immediately.  The
prior Chair is expected to report it to the Chair immediately.
If they can not resolve the issue between themselves, the prior
year's Chair must report it according to the dispute resolution
process stated elsewhere in this document.*

###  Deliberations

*All members of the nominating committee may participate in all

*The emphasis of this rule is that no member can be explicitly
excluded from any deliberation.  However, a member may individually
choose not to participate in a deliberation.*

###  Call for Nominees

*The Chair announces the open positions to be reviewed, the desired
expertise, and the call for nominees.*

*The call for nominees must include a request for comments regarding
the past performance of incumbents, which will be considered during
the deliberations of the nominating committee.*

*The call must request that a nomination include a valid, working
email address, a telephone number, or both for the nominee.  The
nomination must include the set of skills or expertise the nominator
believes the nominee has that would be desirable.*

### Nominations

*Any member of the* RIPE *community may nominate any member of the* RIPE
*community for any open position, whose eligibility to serve will be
confirmed by the nominating committee.*

*A self-nomination is permitted.*

*Nominating committee members are not eligible to be considered for
filling any open position by the nominating committee on which they
serve.  They become ineligible as soon as the term of the nominating
committee on which they serve officially begins.  They remain
ineligible for the duration of that nominating committee's term.*

RIPE officials *who were recalled during the previous two years 
are not eligible to be considered for filling any open position.*

###  Candidate Selection

*The nominating committee selects candidates based on its
understanding of the* RIPE *community's consensus of the qualifications
required to fill the open positions.*

*The intent of this rule is to ensure that the nominating committee
consults with a broad base of the* RIPE *community for input to its
deliberations.  In particular, the nominating committee must
determine if the desired expertise for the open positions matches its
understanding of the qualifications desired by the* RIPE *community.*

*The consultations are permitted to include names of nominees, if all
parties to the consultation agree to observe the same confidentiality
rules as the nominating committee itself, or the names are public as
discussed above.  Feedback on individual nominees should
always be confidential.*

*A broad base of the community should include* serving officials
especially officials *who share
responsibilities with open positions.*

*Only voting volunteer members vote to select candidates.*

### Consent to Nomination

*Nominees should be advised that they are being considered and must
consent to their nomination prior to being chosen as candidates.*

*Although the nominating committee will make every reasonable effort
to contact and to remain in contact with nominees, any nominee whose
contact information changes during the process and who wishes to
still be considered should inform the nominating committee of the

*A nominee's consent must be written (email is acceptable) and must
include a commitment to provide the resources necessary to fill the
open position and an assurance that the nominee will perform the
duties of the position for which they are being considered in the
best interests of the* RIPE *community.*

*Consenting to a nomination must occur prior to a nominee being a
candidate and may occur as soon after the nomination as needed by the
nominating committee.*

*Consenting to a nomination must not imply the nominee will be a

*The nominating committee should help nominees provide justification
to their employers.*

###  Notifying Confirming Bodies

*The nominating committee advises the confirming bodies of their
candidates, specifying a single candidate for each open position and
testifying as to how each candidate meets the qualifications of an
open position.*

*For each candidate, the testimony must include a brief statement of
the qualifications for the position that is being filled, which may
be exactly the expertise that was requested.  If the qualifications
differ from the expertise originally requested, a brief statement
explaining the difference must be included.*

*The testimony may include a brief resume of the candidate and/or a
brief summary of the deliberations of the nominating committee.*

### Confirming Candidates

*Confirmed candidates must consent to their confirmation, and rejected
candidates and nominees must be notified before confirmed candidates
are announced.*

*It is not necessary to notify and get consent from all confirmed
candidates together.*

*A nominee may not know they were a candidate.  This permits a
candidate to be rejected by a confirming body without the nominee
knowing about the rejection.*

*Rejected nominees, who consented to their nomination, and rejected
candidates must be notified prior to announcing the confirmed

*It is not necessary to announce all confirmed candidates together.*

*The nominating committee must ensure that all confirmed candidates
are prepared to serve prior to announcing their confirmation.*

## Dispute Resolution Process

*The dispute resolution process described here is to be used as
indicated elsewhere in this document.  Its applicability in other
circumstances is beyond the scope of this document.*

*The nominating committee operates under a strict rule of
confidentiality.  For this reason, when process issues arise, it is
best to make every reasonable effort to resolve them within the
committee.  However, when circumstances do not permit this or no
resolution is forthcoming, the process described here is to be used.*

*The following rules apply to the process.*

1.  *The results of this process are final and binding.  There is no

2.  *The process begins with the submission of a request as described
    below to* the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

3.  *As soon as the process begins, the nominating committee may
    continue those activities that are unrelated to the issue to be
    resolved except that it must not submit any candidates to a
    confirming body until the issue is resolved.*

4.  *All parties to the process are subject to the same
    confidentiality rules as each member of the nominating committee.*

5.  *The process should be completed within two weeks.*

*The process is as follows:*

1.  *The party seeking resolution submits a written request (email is
    acceptable) to* the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board 
    *detailing the issue to be resolved.*

2.  The chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board *appoints an arbiter to investigate
    and resolve the issue.  A self-appointment is permitted.*

3.  *The arbiter investigates the issue making every reasonable effort
    to understand both sides of the issue.  Since the arbiter is
    subject to the same confidentiality obligations as all nominating
    committee members, all members are expected to cooperate fully
    with the arbiter and to provide all relevant information to the
    arbiter for review.*

4.  *After consultation with the two principal parties to the issue,
    the arbiter decides on a resolution.  Whatever actions are
    necessary to execute the resolution are immediately begun and
    completed as quickly as possible.*

5.  *The arbiter summarizes the issue, the resolution, and the
    rationale for the resolution for* the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

6.  *In consultation with* the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board, 
    *the arbiter
    prepares a report of the dispute and its resolution.  The report
    should include all information that in the judgment of the
    arbiter does not violate the confidentiality requirements of the
    nominating committee.*

7.  *The Chair includes the dispute report when reporting on the
    activities of the nominating committee to the IETF community.*

## Recall of Serving Officials

*The following rules apply to the recall process.  If necessary, a
paragraph discussing the interpretation of each rule is included.*

### Petition

*At any time, at least 20 members of the* RIPE *community, who are
qualified to be voting members of a nominating committee, may request
by signed petition (email is acceptable) to*
the chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
the recall of any official serving in a role described in an invoking document.

*All individual and collective qualifications of nominating committee
eligibility are applicable, including that no more than two
signatories may have the same primary affiliation.*

*Each signature must include a full name, email address, and primary
company or organization affiliation.*

The RIPE NCC *is responsible for confirming that each
signatory is qualified to be a voting member of a nominating
committee.  A valid petition must be signed by at least 20 qualified

*The petition must include a statement of justification for the recall
and all relevant and appropriate supporting documentation.*

*The petition and its signatories must be announced to the* RIPE

###  Recall Committee Chair

The chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*shall appoint a Recall Committee Chair*.

The chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board
*must not evaluate the recall request.
It is explicitly the responsibility of the* RIPE 
*community to evaluate the behavior of its* officials.

### Recall Committee Creation

*The recall committee is created according to the same rules as is the
nominating committee with the qualifications that both the person
being investigated and the parties requesting the recall must not be
a member of the recall committee in any capacity.*

### Recall Committee Rules

*The recall committee operates according to the same rules as the
nominating committee with the qualification that there is no
confirmation process.*

### Recall Committee Operation

*The recall committee investigates the circumstances of the
justification for the recall and votes on its findings.*

*The investigation must include at least both an opportunity for the*
official *being recalled to present a written statement and consultation
with third parties.*

### 3/4 Majority

*A 3/4 majority of the members who vote on the question is required
for a recall.*

## Pragmatism

This is a guideline that explicitly allows ad hoc deviations both for pragmatic reasons and in unforeseen circumstances without having to change this document each time. Any such deviations and the appropriate community consensus should be clearly documented each time.

##  Security Considerations

*Any selection, confirmation, or recall process necessarily involves
investigation into the qualifications and activities of prospective
candidates.  The investigation may reveal confidential or otherwise
private information about candidates to those participating in the
process.  Each person who participates in any aspect of the process
must maintain the confidentiality of any and all information not
explicitly identified as suitable for public dissemination.*

*When the nominating committee decides it is necessary to share
confidential or otherwise private information with others, the
dissemination must be minimal and must include a prior commitment
from all persons consulted to observe the same confidentiality rules
as the nominating committee itself.*


## References

###  Normative References

[ripe-727] "The RIPE Chair Selection Process", 
           Hans Petter Holen, Mirjam Kühne, Daniel Karrenberg, Anna Wilson, 
           May 2019

### Informative References

[RFC3797]  Eastlake, D., "Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee
           (NomCom) Random Selection", RFC 3797, June 2004,
[RFC7437]  "IAB, IESG, and IAOC Selection, Confirmation, 
           and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating 
           and Recall Committees", RFC7437, January 2015,
## Acknowledgments

The authors thank the IETF and all those who worked to document 
the IETF procedures this document is based on. 
We acknowledge using a significant amount of text from
with only the absolutely necessary adaption to our purpose.
Antony Gollan checked our orthography and improved our style 
but was not allowed to touch any text from RFC7437.

We are also thankful for the constructive  discussions during the BoFs at recent RIPE Meetings and on [the RIPE Chair Discuss list](<>) that helped shape this document.

## Appendix A - About the Authors

Hans Petter Holen is a RIPE participant since RIPE 22
and the present chairman of RIPE.
Rob Blokzijl asked him to ensure that the community establishes the
procedure described here.

Mirjam Kühne is a RIPE participant since RIPE 19
and a member of the RIPE NCC staff.
She took on the task of supporting the community and Hans Petter in this effort.

Daniel Karrenberg is one of the RIPE founders 
and a member of the RIPE NCC staff.
He took on the job of editing this document 
and writing the bulk of the text.

Anna Wilson is a RIPE participant since RIPE 31.
She has led several fairly intense community discussions
about this procedure. 

## Appendix G - Document Genesis

ripe-727 had been drafted and discussed first. 
See that document and its appendix G for a description of that process.

When it subsequently became clear that the IETF NomCom method was to be seriously considered, Daniel Karrenberg produced a first adaption of RFC7437. The authors discussed several versions of  this extensively and agreed to make only the minimal set of changes necessary to adapt RFC7437 for RIPE. After further reflection we decided to make this procedure as general as possible by moving all specifics about the roles themselves to 'invoking documents' like ripe-727.

The authors published a draft of both this document and ripe-727 on [the RIPE Chair Discuss list](<>) on 11 May 2019. A few mistakes were subsequently corrected resulting in one further draft.

A final BoF during RIPE 78 concluded without major suggestions for changes and the RIPE Chair announced to the community that he intended to call for consensus on this document and ripe-727 soon after the meeting. On 4 July 2019 he made 
[this call](
on the ripe mailing list;
on 30 August he 
[declared consenus](

The document was published as [ripe-728](

The NomCom 2020 recommended some changes to ripe-728 in the light of its experience [ripe-762]( On request of the RIPE Chair Daniel Karrenberg drafted changes implementing the recommendations.

## Appendix M - Volunteer Qualification Supporting Data

The IETF uses attendance of three of the five previous meetings as eligibility criterion for NomCom volunteers. Also note that the IETF currently meets three times per year compared to our two.

In order to come up with a reasonable criterion for RIPE, we studied meeting attendance since RIPE 63 based on the published attendee lists. The columns of the table below show for a specific RIPE Meeting approximately how many people have attended n out of the m meetings including the current one. In other words, the number 78 in the RIPE 68 column at row '5 of 5' means that 78 names on the RIPE 68 attendee list also appeared on the lists of the four previous meetings. The last row of the table, labeled '1 of 1' gives the number of names on the list of that meeting.

Attended, RIPE68, RIPE69, RIPE70, RIPE71, RIPE72, RIPE73, RIPE74, RIPE75, RIPE76, RIPE77
  5 of 5,     78,     83,    103,     96,     99,    113,    119,     89,    101,    100
  4 of 5,    153,    175,    203,    194,    209,    202,    214,    192,    213,    207
  3 of 5,    278,    306,    335,    308,    337,    352,    371,    329,    361,    354
  2 of 5,    504,    540,    585,    595,    645,    639,    641,    593,    631,    664
  1 of 5,   1500,   1576,   1668,   1657,   1763,   1806,   1794,   1743,   1886,   2005
  4 of 4,    105,    118,    125,    120,    135,    140,    138,    113,    117,    119
  3 of 4,    218,    253,    253,    249,    262,    262,    279,    258,    266,    258
  2 of 4,    443,    466,    500,    515,    542,    537,    529,    505,    510,    557
  1 of 4,   1306,   1379,   1446,   1497,   1545,   1564,   1515,   1545,   1627,   1768
  3 of 3,    156,    151,    166,    169,    169,    170,    196,    135,    147,    142
  2 of 3,    360,    353,    416,    385,    414,    384,    432,    367,    381,    408
  1 of 3,   1092,   1142,   1273,   1258,   1292,   1271,   1308,   1247,   1364,   1516
  2 of 2,    219,    223,    273,    236,    229,    271,    269,    185,    200,    312
  1 of 2,    819,    954,   1013,    967,    968,   1029,    995,    936,   1056,   1269
  1 of 1,    569,    608,    674,    525,    672,    628,    636,    485,    771,    810

The numbers are approximate because they are based on heuristical parsing of a number of attendee list formats and an equally heuristical guess on equivalent names with different spellings. It should also be noted that there are typically 40-50 RIPE NCC staff members registered for the meetings we studied.

The '3 of 5' row consistently shows 300+ for recent meetings. Assuming that at least 10% will volunteer we will have sufficient volunteers.

Based on Shane Kerr's work: <>

Code published here: <>

## Appendix T - Timeline

*This appendix is included for the convenience of the reader and is
not to be interpreted as the definitive timeline. It is intended to
capture the detail described elsewhere in this document in one place.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the description here is
consistent with the description elsewhere, if there are any conflicts
the definitive rule is the one in the main body of this document.*
The total timeline spans 13 months in two consecutive years. For illustration the timeline includes a "nominal month and year" based on the assumption that the Transition RIPE Meeting will take place in October of year two. 

|Event                        |Time / Deadline                             |Nominal Month |
|NomCom chair appointed       |15 days before Nomination RIPE Meeting      |September / 1 |
|**Nominations RIPE Meeting** |Two meetings before Transition RIPE Meeting |October / 1   |
|Call for NomCom volunteers   |During Nomination RIPE Meeting              |October / 1   |
|NomCom volunteers announced  |30 days after call for volunteers           |November / 1  | 
|NomCom announced             |45 days after call for volunteers           |December / 1  |
|NomCom organised             |90 days before Consultation RIPE Meeting    |January  / 2  |
|Call for nominations         |When Nomcom is organised                    |January  / 2  | 
|Nominations close            |~45 days after call for nominations         |March / 2     |
|Nominees announced           |15 days before Consultation RIPE Meeting    |April / 2     |
|**Consultation RIPE Meeting**|One meeting before Transition RIPE Meeting  |May / 2       |
|NomCom makes selection       |90 days before Transition RIPE Meeting      |July / 2      |
|Selection Confirmed          |30 days after NomCom makes selection        |August / 2    |
|Selection Announced          |15 days before Transition RIPE Meeting      |September / 2 |
|**Transition RIPE Meeting**  |5th anniversary of previous transition      |October / 2   |
|NomCom Report                |During Transition RIPE Meeting              |October / 2   |
|Transition                   |During Transition RIPE Meeting              |October / 2   |


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