Dear colleagues,

There will be a BoF on Tuesday evening at RIPE86. I proposed it to the PC like this:

"We suspect that many RIPE participants are paying attention to the increased discussions about AI within society as-a-whole. Therefore we propose to reserve a space in the meeting agenda for participants to share their opinions about this and hear the views of their peers. We suggest to consider the impact on the RIPE community as a way to frame the discussion. We do not propose new formal work by the community at this point in time."

The goal is an exchange of opinions and ideas as a way for everyone to learn and enhance their own views on the subject. We do not want long monologues and the optimal outcome is a lively and entertaining discussion.

Therefore the format will be that of a 'speed discussion'. If at all possible we want to avoid sitting facing the stage but rather in something resembling a circle as far as the layout of the room permits. In order to avoid microphone queues there will be two tokens in the room passed from one speaker to the next. We will not use microphones unless the group is too big.

People will get to speak for no more than two minutes each followed by a two minute question and discussion period. If the discussion is fruitful the chair may extend it for another two minutes. Then the next person will get to speak for two minutes, ... . We will have a traffic light clock to keep the time and everyone will strictly respect the timing.

We aim for an open and respectful discussion among peers. After the discussion we ask everyone not to reveal who said what to people who have not been present. It is OK to report *what* was said but not *who* said it. If the discussion is as good as we hope, we may publish a short report to the community.

I am looking for two or three people to commit to speaking first to get things going. Please contact me off list.

Also, if you have suggestions for reading material about the subject, please share them in this thread.

I am very much looking forward to see you in the BoF.


RIPE co-founder,
first and current employee of the RIPE NCC,
speaking only for himself.


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