
In article <slippyr4.4wpt1z1310394...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com>,
> I've decided now I have squeezeboxen that I'll re-rip my cd's in flac
> format.
> I need to maintain a copy of the music encoded in a lossy format,
> probably mp3, for playing on my portable player.
> Is there a nice handy utility out there than can monitor my flac
> directory and automatically re-encode the music into mp3? including tag
> info and album artwork?
> I don't really want to do a double-encode when I rip the cd: a batch
> program that can create whatever i tell it from my flac source suits me
> better.
> if there's nothing out there that'll do the job, i shall have to write
> one.

I wrote one in python. You're welcome to a copy if you think it'll be
useful. It's not particularly pretty (relies on file names never changing
for example) but works Ok for me.


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